Chapter 5

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     Dexter's heart pounded in his chest as he ran through the forest, tripping over tree roots and getting his clothes slashed by sharp tree branches. Dexter didn't know how long he'd been running but he knew one thing, his chasers wouldn't stop until they've killed him. Every time he stumbled and fell to the ground, he picked himself and continued running. He couldn't afford to rest for his chasers weren't far behind.

    Something whizzed past him, slamming into the tree in front of him. He saw it was arrow and ducked his head, the moon overhead illuminating his path but also making it possible for his chasers to see him.

    An agonizing pain tore through him and he bit the inside of his lips to stop himself from screaming out loud but a muffled groan still escaped his lips. He slowed down, gripping his abdomen, the telltale wetness reminding of what he already knew. He'd begun to bleed out.

    He needed to stop running or dizziness would find him first before his chasers did. The crashing noises overhead told him he might be near a river. Just a little more! He picked himself from the ground, running towards the sound. He arrived at a cliff and just as he guessed, there was a river beneath. Now cornered, he kept glancing back forth, indecisive.

     His chasers finally arrived and just like him, they were out of breath. " I have to say, prince. You gave us one hell of a chase. But it ends now." One of them said and Dexter was guessing he was the leader. He had his bow with him and his face was covered with a cloak, so was the rest of them.

      He gritted his teeth, still grabbing his abdomen as he stared them, rage in his eyes. " What makes you think that?" He growled at them, his voice mocking. " What makes you think you've won?"

       " Well, it's pretty obvious. You my prince, are cornered. And we're going kill you right now."

       Damnit, if he only he was with a sword, he'll kill them off immediately. But the attack was so unexpected, it had given them little time to react. Plus, they had come in such large numbers, determined to kill them all. The only thing he could do then was escape. He closed his eyes against the bloody memory.

     As he stood there groaning, a sinister smile worked it's way into his face. He won't let them kill him. He still had a chance. He glared at them as they positioned themselves, ready to shoot him with their arrows. Almost instantly, he took a couple steps backwards into open air, letting gravity do its job.

     Keeping his body tight and head up as he plunged into the raging water underneath, he felt like he had driven headfirst into a wall. "Survive." His mind chanted. He had to survive this. He swam up to the surface, ignoring the shards of pain splintering through his body. He finally made it to the surface, gulping mouthfuls of air into his oxygen deprived lungs, the waters current pulling him along. He could faintly make out his chasers silhouette in the moonlight. There was no way they could chase him now, the thought making him feel victorious.

      His strength was slowly leaving him and it was a battle to stay unconscious. Before giving himself up to the mercy of the flowing river, he prayed to whatever deities that could hear him now. Please, I don't want to die. Don't let me die.
    Dexter felt a trail of fingers running done his face, drawing him out of the darkness he was in. Unable to bear it any longer, he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar face bent over, watching him. Their eyes met and she froze, the air stilling around them.

     She kept staring back at him, her hands hanging in mid-air. Suddenly, she reeled backwards, her eyes widening in shock. " You're awake!" She screamed, then placed her hands in her mouth, glancing around.

     Dexter blinked, the only memories in his head where the ones of him being chased. What the hell happened?!

     " I'd best call my nanny!" She said as she sprinted out of the room, his eyes following her, stunned. Suddenly his eyes felt so heavy and no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to keep them open. Eventually he gave in, letting himself fall back asleep.
    Maya banged on the door of the older woman, waking her up from her sleep. Naomi came out, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes.

     " What is it?" She murmured, her voice hoarse.

     " It's the stranger! He woke up just now!! You need to see him Nanny, hurry!" She said, walking ahead. Naomi paused for a while, the words still circulating around her head. When it finally sunk in, she raced after Maya who was already so far away.

       They came back to his room and Maya was ready to show her the stranger that she saw wake up. Noami stared at him but he had long settled back to sleep.
       " He's... Asleep." Naomi blurted out, confused. Maya looked stunned and glanced at the stranger. Indeed, he was asleep.

      " But!...  He was awake, just now! I saw it!!" Maya protested, glancing back and forth. Naomi groaned, rubbing her forehead.

       " How did you even know he woke up? Weren't you supposed to be in your room, sleeping?" She asked.

       Maya froze, her cheeks flushed. She stared at the floor shyly. " I couldn't sleep so I went on a walk. So I came to check up on him. He really woke up, Nanny."

       " Well, he's asleep now. Well have to check again tomorrow, my princess." Naomi said.

       Maya pouted, her displeasure evident. " He had such pretty eyes though." She mumbled to herself but Naomi heard it. She let out a gasp.

       " Okay, it's time to go to your room. You're disturbing the young man." Naomi said, chasing Maya out of the room. She led her to her room and made sure she laid in bed, falling asleep before going back to her room. Closing the door behind her, she shook her head, a small smile on her lips.

          What a drama queen.
    The next day, Naomi was cleaning changing his bandages when he stirred, his eyes twitching. It didn't take long for it open, his eyes landing on her. She bit back the gasp that formed when she saw his light-grey orbs staring back at her. Indeed, he has beautiful eyes. The most beautiful one she has seen.

     She pulled away from him, taking a deep breath. His unfocused gaze soon cleared and his eyes began asking the questions .

     " You're awake. Welcome to earth, stranger."

    Almost didn't make it with a new chapter. But I fought through and I'm glad I did! 😁😁😁
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