Chapter 24

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Is that 4k reads I'm seeing??! Oh my gosh!! Thank you guys so much!! To all of you who have added my book into your libraries and reading list, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!💃💃🎉🎉. Now back to the story...

It's the end of the day. After spending most of her time in the library, Maya has finally had a bit of luck. She has learned all she could about being a good queen and isn't so doubtful anymore. She's fully aware of her duties now and cannot wait to start working. She returned the books back to the shelves, her head throbbing. She was that exhausted

Although she was still uncertain if she would deliver well, she decided not to let it bother her so much. One step at a time, she repeated to herself whenever those demotivating thoughts crept up on in her mind.

Famished, she stepped out of her library, going straight to her chambers. Her handmaids immediately came to her, asking her if she would like anything. She ordered them to run her bath and send in her dinner. They immediately complied, both rushing out of the chambers at the same time. When they arrived, They came with other maids, helping preparing her bath, filing the bathtub with warm water and scented oils, helping her to bath.

Maya had her bath first before settling down to eat. Since it was getting late, she decided to sleep in her chambers for the first time. Although she was tired, it was still a struggle to finally fall asleep as it kept eluding her. After tossing and turning for so long, Maya finally gave up and decided to go to Dexter's chambers.

Already familiar with the route, Maya walked down the hallways in slow steps. As she did, she remembered her walk with Dexter in the afternoon. A blush crept to her cheeks and she tried to hide a chuckle. He'd been so sweet, almost like his old self, causing butterflies to spread in her stomach. . She couldn't wait to see him again.

She got to his chambers and paused. Hesitating a bit, she knocked on it. When she didn't hear a reply, she pushed the door open, walking inside. It was empty but the discarded ceremonial clothes on the bed told her Dexter was around. She began looking for him but paused when she heard a door open. She reflextively turned to the direction.

" Oh..." She gasped, trailing off. Before her was an almost unclad Dexter, his toned muscles in full display for him. In the dim lighting of his room, his skinned glowed, giving him an ethereal look. She swallowed, her heart pounding. He paused too, staring at her.

" Sorry, I didn't hear your voice so I just decided to come in. I can go back...." she started but he cut her off.

" No, it's okay. I wasn't expecting to see you. The maids told me you were already asleep."

" Well..." She cast a furtive look at his chest once more. Blushing she looked up at his face. " I couldn't sleep so I thought I should see you. Are you just coming back?"

He nodded, a side of his lips twitching. " I was just about to have my bath." He replied. Maya nodded, glancing everywhere but him.

" I'll just wait for you." She muttered quietly, hurrying to the bed.

" Won't you join me?" He asked, his tone suggestive.

As she glanced at him, she was really tempted to. But she shook her head. " No, Maybe another time" she muttered, her throat dry.

Dexter nodded and went ahead to have his bath.

Maya sat sheepishly on his bed, glancing around his chambers, her heart racing. His chambers was beautiful but another reason she liked being here was because it smelled like him. Maya took in a deep breath as she lay on the bed, her body slowly relaxing.

A few moments later, Dexter came out, water dripping from his body. He had a robe wrapped around his body and Maya watched as she dried himself out, wearing his nightclothes, her cheeks in a deep shade of red. If he noticed she was staring, he didn't tell her on it.

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