Chapter 20

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(Far away, in the outskirts of Madonia: Albanie)

       Fleurie stood in her father's study, her head bowed, heart racing as she bit her lips. She flinched when her father banged the table, her heart skipping a beat. He returned from the council meeting a while back and has been in a terrible mood all this time. She'd come to ask him how it went and this is the reaction she got from him.

       " Of course he refused to take back his decision! She's going to be his queen!" He said aloud, his voice laced with anger. Fleurie shivered at the intensity of his words, taking a step back.

       "M-maybe it's all just a big mistake." Fleurie tried to say. " I'm sure he didn't mean it." She added in an attempt to calm him.

       Gavin glared at his daughter, his eyes narrowing. "What kind of a stupid mistake is that?!" He growled at her. Fleurie recoiled. "And you!" He barked, causing her to flinch. "After all these months, how come you didn't try to make him yours?"

        Tears clouded Fleurie's eyes as she tried to defend herself. " I did father, I did my best! I just didn't expect a mere visitation to a neighboring kingdom to turn into marriage!"

      " How is that my business? If you have married we would not be having this conversation!" He continued to bark at her, oblivious of the effects of his words.

       Tears blinded her vision but she blinked them back, biting the insides of her mouth to keep them from trembling.

       " We can't let this continue." King Gavin had begun speaking to himself. " We need to find faults in that union. I'm sure there would be dozens!" He stated vehemently, his brows furrowed in thought.

       Fleurie could only stand there, squeezing her fists in a desperate attempt to appear unfazed. The bitter truth was that he is doing this out of his own greed, that she knew well enough. He wants to take control of Madonia using her, since he has the support of the Royal council. She knows this but she was still desperate, Desperate to get away from his hold.  After King Dexter killed her betrothed, the crown prince, everyone has been pushing her to him.
        She didn't like it at first, but after a while she began to get used to it. She didn't try to deny the attraction she felt for him and had hoped that one day after grieving her intended, he would honor it. Only for him to come two days ago, announcing that he's married. And, who the hell is that? She's never heard of her before. She also had no idea Gegoria had a second princess. She would know since she's a princess too.

      " He told me to go back home." Fleurie announced, her voice small, eyes on the ground. She felt her father's glare on her and held her breath, her heart pounding.

       " I'm sure you can extend your stay." He bit out coldly. " Find a way to. Find faults in that woman, anything we can use to tear them apart." He stated.

      Fleurie knows an order when she hears one. She nodded, steeling her expression. " Yes, father." She whispered, her voice shaky.

     " You're dismissed." He snapped at her. Bowing her head, she walked out of the room. Closing the door behind her, she resisted the urge to crumble to her knees. She cleaned off the stray tear that had crept down her cheeks. She started to her room, anger growing in her heart.

        They will not have a happy ending, she resolved deep within herself. She will make sure of it.
      Dexter was the first to wake up the next day. He glanced at the hourglass at the far end of the room and at the windows. It was dawn. He turned to Maya who was still sleeping gently beside him, her breaths even. He ran a finger down her face, watching as she slept. Last night she'd had a nightmare that had woken her up. She had trouble falling asleep afterwards. He had to pat her to sleep.

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