Chapter 16

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Music you should listen to while reading this chapter.... ( Cause I was definitely listening to them while writing)😉😉
*Shut Down- BlackPink
*Pink Venom-BlackPink
* Castle-Halsey
*Reign- Anna Graceman.
      Playlist done!! Let's get to the chapter 🙈🙈

       Dexter arrived at his study and the guards in the entrance bowed, opening the door for him to enter.  He walked into the room, greeted by the dark gloomy place. Settling into the chair, he picked up a few scrolls and began doing hsu work.

      A knock came on the door and he paused, glancing at the door. He beckoned for whoever is behind it to come inside, getting back to work. The door opened and a burly figure walked in, but with a with a much more welcoming aura. Closing the door behind him, he inclined his head.

     " You called on me, Your Majesty." The man spoke out, his head still bowed. Dexter glanced at the man, Leaning back on the chair. He was his personal aide and one of the closest person to him. He all had a notable rank

        " Yes, I did." He replied easily, looking away. " Call on the rest of the noble. We'll be having a meeting. I plan on introducing Maya to them as my Queen." He told him.

       " Yes, your highness." He replied, feeling elated. It's just as he had hoped. Ever since rumors of the king marrying had started circulating, A few nobles have been arriving since dawn, seeking audience with the king. He decided to say the next thing in his mind.
      " What about the Kingdom of Gegoria? There has been a few rioters and rumors of their army gathering since the death of the Royal family."

      " Subdue it for now." He stated. " I don't want to hear any news about that Kingdom for now." He added. Geoffrey nodded once again.

       " Yes, Your Majesty" he said. He started to leave but paused at the gate, his hand on the doorknob. Turning back to the King, he regarded him, worry lines on his face.

      " Your Majesty..." He began almost hesitantly. Dexter glanced at him, brow raised. " Are you really married to her?" He asked, not explaining any further.
        Dexter stared at him. " Of course. She's my wife. And i plan on letting everyone know that."

        " Indeed. Pardon my impertinence, Your Majesty. I'll take my leave now." He said, bowing once again before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

        Long after he left, Dexter glared at the door, a frown on his face.
       Maya was extracted from the King's chambers and led to hers where she would be bathed and dressed. Arriving into her chambers, she was startled by the change of design. While Dexter's room was a lot more darker and serene, her chambers was filled with bright colors and exotic.  She decided immediately that she liked Dexter's Chambers better. There, she found even more maids waiting for her. Bowing in greeting, they began preparing to help her bathe. Once again, Maya found it overwhelming. Not just because they were so many people attending to her but she also remembered the scars coating her body, most especially her legs. Something she didn't remember the night before.
        When it was time to undress and get into tub, Maya hesitated. Eventually she got over herself and let them take care of her. Rosa spotted the marks, her eyes flashed but there were no other visible reactions. Like the professional they were, they bathed her with utmost care, taking their time to scrub her clean even if she wasn't dirty.

     Making her wear a light dress, they brought in food. Delicious delicacies were placed over another and it's delectable scent wafted through the air. Maya's stomach grumbled, reminding her of how hungry she was. She sat on one of the many chairs placed in the room, eating quietly as the maids stood there, waiting her out.

       " I'm full..." She announced, pushing the plate away. Rosa stared at the half-empty  plate, shocked. It looked like the Queen had merely grazed her food

       " But, Your Majesty... You've barely eaten anything." Rosa began to protest but Maya shook her head, interrupting her.
       " Anymore and I'm afraid I'll be emptying everything I ate back to the floor." Maya deadpanned.

       After her meal, it was time to dress her up. The maids brought in an extravagant gown, accompanied with accessories. The sight of it took Maya's breath away. It was a floor length light blue gown, studded with jewels, gold embroidery and a much longer cape. Surprised by how much was needed to dress her up she turned to Rosa, the question in her eyes.

      " The king would be calling you the court later today, your majesty." Rosa explained as she saw the questioning look on the queen's face.

        Her eyes widened but she pressed her lips together, saying nothing. They helped with her dress, braiding her air and fixing jewelries. Another set of maids busied themselves on her face and by the time they were through, Maya was visibly exhausted.

        They stepped away, leaving her to admire herself in the mirror. For the first time in the twenty-one years of her life, Maya gasped at the transformation. She has never looked more regal, more powerful. The gown fit her perfectly, accentuating her figures and cupping her breasts. The exotic braids on her head were unlike anything she had seen before. Her usual pale face and dry face, glowed and her head felt heavy due to the amount of accessories that was used, but they didn't need to know that. All that was left was the crown on her head and she would be a queen in every sense of the word.

        As she stood there admiring herself, a knock came on the door, interrupting her. The door opened and a guard walked in.

        " The king summons you to the court, Your majesty." He announced, his head bowed. Maya stiffened before nodding, her heart rate picking up.  The maids immediately swung into action, removing any wrinkles that may have formed. Rosa retrieved a tiara from one of the jewelry boxes and and placed at on her head. All their preparations is complete.

        " I'm ready." Maya replied, fixing her stance. Chest puffed, shoulders squared and an unsmiling face, she had the usual regal look. She began moving and the maids fell into formation behind her, following her out.

      There was an entourage of guards already waiting for her outside. They began to lead the way while she stayed in their midst, her steps unhurried. As she walked, she couldn't help the thoughts floating around her head. She would be appearing at Madonia Royal court. Today, Dexter will be introducing her to the rest of the nobility. With the way they got married, it is highly unlikely they would be accepting her.

     She smiled bitterly to herself. They won't, especially when they learn of her background. She wanted nothing else than to go back to bed and continue sleeping but she knew how impossible that was.

       After a series of turns, they soon arrived at her unnaturally large door with yet another set of guards in front of them, On seeing her, they straightened up, bowing their heads as they said their greetings, pushing the door open. Everyone else stayed back, leaving her bare.
        " All rise for her Majesty, The Queen!"  A guard roared, announcing her presence.  She heard the scraping of seats as people rose to their feet and Maya's heart began pounding. Squeezing her hands at her side, she took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
       Steeling her expression, she took a step in...

Author's note:
    It only gets better from here....
    Let me know your thoughts about this chapter!!
    See you in the next one!!🙈🙈😉😉

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