Chapter 44

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A sky full of stars– Coldplay.

    Days grew into a week and weeks into a month. No sign of Nicholas anywhere. Every raid or search that had taken place yielded no success. It was as if he just disappeared into thin air. It made Maya restless because she knew there was no way he would be backing down without a fight. She could only hope and pray he eventually gets caught.

    Although their relationship was back to normal, no one could deny the underlying tension growing in the palace. Earlier there had been an uproar in the royal council following the death of Fleurie and Gavin's threats of retaliation to which Dexter had promptly increased the castle's defense. Like Dexter had predicted, he had no intention of letting it go.
     Fully recovered, Dexter had begun to spend a lot of time working and training to recover his full strength. It was something Maya was always excited to see. She always made sure she was present when he trained. Winter arrived but it was unlike any winter Maya had experienced. Other than the below freezing point weather and the bare trees, there was nothing else.  Maya quickly realized it didn't snow here in Madonia. Which was great since she hated it anyway.

      Maya woke up to the feel of someone drawing circles on her back. Mumbling slightly, she shifted, trying to settle back to sleep. The feeling only persisted. Maya opened her eyes to find Dexter staring at her. It had been their default setting these past few weeks. Her kissing him goodbye before he left for work and although it was fun, it meant she had to wake up early.

      "Good morning." He murmured, pulling her hair away from her face. She mumbled a reply, placing her head on his chest.

     "You woke me up."  She muttered, running her hands along his chest.

     "Yes I did." He answered as he tried to sit up.

     "Beginning your duties already? It's still so early!' she whined, snuggling closer to him.

    "You know I have to." He replied and she groaned, clinging closer to o him.

    "No! I want to spend all day with you!" She'd barely seen him this past week, always leaving early and returning late at night. He sat up, up, kissing her forehead.
     "I'm sorry about that, I'll make it up to you. I promise."

    "We'll go on a walk. Would you like that?"

    Maya mulled on it for a while before nodding. "Okay. But it has to be today."

    "Deal. Now where's my kiss?" He asked, his eyes glinting. Maya grinned before placing her lips on his, giving him a warm kiss. It wasn't enough to quench both of their desires but it would have to do.

    "Thanks." Dexter muttered once she pulled away. He stood from the bed and began to wear his clothes with Maya watching him. She soon stepped out of the bed to help him with the rest of his buttons and parts he intentionally left out.

    "There. All done." She muttered as she dusted off imaginary dirt off his clothes. Glancing up at him, a smile on her face.

     "I'll see you soon." He muttered, a corner of his lips quirked up. Maya felt her heart swell for love this man as she caressed his face, a permanent grin on her face. Running her hands through his black curls, she pulled back. He took it as a cue and walked out of his chambers, his steps light and regal.

    Evening was only a few hours but Maya couldn't wait for it.

    They day could not have dragged on any longer. Maya was almost pulling out her hair when she saw the sun setting on the horizon. Summoning her maids, she immediately began dressing for the occasion. The weather was usually colder at night, so her clothing comsisted of a lot of thick clothing. Twirling in front of  her mirror, maya looked several times bigger. She hoped Dexter wouldn't mind.

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