Chapter 37

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"What?" The word flew out her mouth before she had a chance stop to it, her back breaking into a cold sweat. Maya blanched at his words as she stared at him, fear immediately filling her.

" B-but who would do that? He was on his way to Gegoria!? What's going to happen now?" She asked, confused.

" I have to find out who's responsible for this and him as well." Dexter replied calmly but his eyes had grown several shades darker. He clicked his tongue, obviously displeased. "It was hard enough to catch him the first time and this happens again."

  Maya gazed down at her hands, an intense feeling of guilt and fear washing over her. Dexter saw her changed expression and immediately reached for her. Tilting her face up so she could look at him, he spoke calmly. "You don't need to look so disheartened, I'll find him I promise." Then he glowered.  "This time, I'll take care of him myself."

    " But... I can't help but be worried. " She muttered, gazing at him. "What if something bad happens?"

    He kissed her forehead. "I just need you to be safe. I'll take care of the rest."

      Maya nodded, slightly relieved at his words.  " Thank you for telling me. Please, be careful." Maya said gently, gazing at him worriedly.

     He let out a small smile."I have to go now. Excuse me."

    " Okay, I'll be here." She muttered, her voice small. As she watched him walk out of their chambers, she couldn't help the dreadful feeling growing at the pit of her stomach. The feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong.
      Days passed but they were yet to find Nicholas once again. Maya was about to go sick from worry. She could tell Dexter was feeling the same as well although he seemed more controlled about it. Back at Gegoria, he was one of their best knights so she knew it would be hard for them to find him. Although Dexter tried to soothe her worries, it didn't help much. With both of them tense, the atmosphere in the palace became stifled.

     In an attempt to stop herself from worrying so much, she buried herself in her duties and began preparations on how to help Gegoria. In the middle of the distress, the king received a message from Princess Fleurie. Surprised at the outreach, he asked what it about.

     " It's an apology note. She also brought in some gifts, Your majesty." Geoffrey passed him the letter she had sent. Dexter gingerly collected it, ripping it open. He read the contents, a frown on his face. She wanted to ask from forgiveness and hoped that with the gifts, he would look upon her kindly.

   "What should I do with the gifts, Your majesty?" Geoffrey asked after a while, glancing at the King. Dexter discarded the paper, picking up another scroll.

   "Burn it up." He said without missing a beat. Geoffrey brow jumped at the order but he wasn't surprised. He nodded calmly.

   "Yes, your majesty."

   Unbeknownst to them,  Nicholas had stowed away with the large gifts Fleurie had sent to the palace. Once he was sure he was alone, he slipped out of  them and hurried into the bushes, making sure he wasn't seen by anyone. Thanks to Fleurie, he was able to understand the layout of the palace. He immediately rushed to the servants quarters, stealing a guards attire and immediately putting it on.

    Keeping his face hidden, he held out till it was afternoon and it was reported that the King would be having his lunch in his chambers. Then he found the way to the kitchen and stood quietly in a corner as he observed them dish out the king's meal. Thankfully they were much too busy to pay any attention to him.

He managed to slip himself among the servants, keeping himself as inconspicuous as possible before bringing out the vial that contained the poison According to Fleurie, a few drops was enough to do the job. He waited till there was a right moment to use this.
"Hey, you there! What are you standing there for?" A deep voice was directed at him and he flinched. Turning to the direction he saw it was the chef. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he immediately rushed towards the chef, bowing immediately.

   " Are you new here? Doesn't matter,we needed new hands anyway. Take this trolley to the king's chambers. Hurry." The chef instructed, pointing at the already prepared food trolley.
     Nicholas couldn't believe his luck. He had been offered this on a gold platter! He did his best to control the grin that tried to break out on his face.

    "Yes sir. But which is for the king?" He asked. The chef glared at him, his eyes blazing.

   "Who are you to ask that? Just get out already!" He snapped.

    He nodded and immediately drove the tray out of the kitchen. Once he confirmed he was alone, he brought out the vial and after a wild guess, poured the contents into one of the foods.He reached the chambers and passed by the guards that were positioned there, his heart pounding.

     Pausing at the entrance, he took in a deep breath, trying to alter his appearance before knocking at the door.  "Come in." A voice answered. It wasn't the king. Princess Maya must be in here, he thought. His palms sweating, he gripped the doorknob and pushed the door open.

    He held his breath and walked in. Although the king was no where around, he could see Maya sitting on a chair in the room, poring over some documents.

     "Here's your meal, your majesty." He forced out, changing his voice. Maya looked up from what she was doing. "Oh, just drop it there." She answered before turning back to what she was doing. He wanted to talk to her but didn't want to risk getting discovered.

    " This is for the king and this is for you, your majesty." He continued in his fake voice and without wasting another second, hurried out of the chambers like he was being chased after. Maya watched him go, slightly confused. Brushing it off, she focused on what she was doing.

     Dexter arrived and she forgot all about that, a gentle smile on her face. He returned with one of his, though he looked tired. She grinned back at him, a light flush staining her cheeks. Lately, she'd been making  sure they ate together. That's was the only way she could stomach anything down and be sure Dexter wasn't overthinking as well.

      "Our meal had been brought in." She announced, pointing to the set table.

     "I see." He said his gaze gentle. He set on removing his cloak. Maya waited for him to join her and they soon began eating.
    Dexter had already taken a few spoonfuls when the attendant words came to haunt her once more. She stiffened. That maid behavior had been weird earlier, why had it specifically told her which one was for her and which one was for the king?

    She glanced at Dexter.  "Could you stop, I want to check something.." she said and took a spoonful of his meal, sniffing it.

      "What's wrong?" Dexter asked, noticing her weird reaction.

     " The person who brought the food... He had specifically told me which meal was mine and which was yours." Maya started to explain as she took a whiff of the food. It smelled alright. Not convinced, she decided to check another, bringing it to her nose and lips. She brought it to her lips and froze, all the color draining from her face. She sniffed it once again. There was no way. Staring at Dexter widened eyes, filled with terror.

     "Spit it out now!" She screamed jumping up to her feet. She pushed the food to the floor, her heart racing, hands shaking.

    "What's wrong?" Dexter asked as he spat out the meal. She was already trembling.

    " Guards!" She called, her voice shaking. They rushed in and seeing the chaos, stood startled. "Call on the doctors and medicine men. Rosa too!" Maya screamed, not bothering to answer him.

      Just then, he began coughing. His abdomen hurting badly. It was unlike any pain he'd felt before. He stared at Maya, stunned. She gasped, placing a hand on her mouth. She looked at him, terrified.

      " You've been posioned."

See you in the next chapter 🙈🙈🙈😉

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