Chapter 47

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Playlist: Love and War by Fleurie
                Empire by Neoni.

     Storming out of the bed, Dexter donned on his armor, leaving no time to spare. The crashes had become even louder still and from a distance he could see they were beginning to light some sections of the palace on fire. He gritted his teeth, the anger seeping out of his skin.

       The loud noises finally woke Maya up. Stirring on the bed, she sat up, squinting at the flickering lights that were filtering into the room. "What's going on?" She asked, her confusion apparent in her sleepy voice.

       Dexter froze, then rushed up to her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he stared into her eyes. Calmly but sternly, he gave his orders. "Do not leave this room. You mustn't. Do you understand?"  Maya face stared at him, confusion filling her face but she nodded all the same.

      Dexter's hands tightened on her shoulders even more as his gaze flickered, indecision riding him. He eventually let out a breath and kissed her forehead. "Please, stay safe." He begged, his voice thick with emotions.  Maya stiffened, a lump growing in her throat as she stared at him.
      When she looked at him again, his face had become an inscrutable mask, but his eyes blazed with anger. Maya gulped, a shiver working through her body.  Sheathing his sword, Dexter finished his prepatioms and marched out of the room. She heard him instruct the soldiers outside with a loud voice and Maya curled to herself, her heart thumping wildly in her chest.

       Is this what Dexter had been worried about when he was with her these past few weeks? Did he know the palace would be attacked soon? As she asked those questions, her mind gave her the answers. And here she was thinking everything was alright under the sun.

       Fear like no other engulfed her and she was so close to crying. Instead she cleaned the stray tears, stepping out of the bed to change into a better clothing and began to search the chambers for a weapon she could use to protect herself.

      She scoured every nook and cranny of the chambers and eventually found a dagger in one of the shelves. Hiding it inside her stocking, Maya packed her hair, getting it away from her face.

      Only a few minutes had passed but it felt like an eternity standing there and listening to crashes and war sounds below. At one point, she had seriously considered going out of the chambers but immediately decided against it. She didn't want to disobey Dexter but all of this waiting was killing her. Heart drumming in her chest, Maya tried to fight off the waves of nausea that kept hitting her at intervals. She startef to pace around the chambers, hands clasped together as she prayed.

      It could have been minutes, it could been an hour since Dexter left, she didn't know but a while later, she began to hear groans and the clanging of swords just outside the door. Maya paused, all the color from the the draining from her face. She prayed it was just her ears decieving her. She couldn't be more wrong. Soon something banged in an attempt to break it open. She'd flinch every time she heard the noise but didn't move from where she was.

     Her heart banged cwildly in her chest, Maya stood as still as a statue, watching as they finally broke open the door and a man donned in complete armor strolled in, reeking of blood. Maya glanced at his face and knew instantly who he was.

       "Hello princess..." He muttered coldly, his eyes glowing behind the helmet. As if struck by lightening, Maya took a step back, trepidation filling her to the brim. She felt an overwhelming urge to throw up but swallowed, her gaze growing dizzy.

     "What are you doing here?" She tried to shout but it came out as a choked whisper. "Why are you doing this?"
      "I came to see you." He said in reply for her first question. Then tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. "As for why? I think you know the reason."

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