Chapter 52

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   Playlist: Einaudi–Experience

     As Maya galloped away with the horse, she couldn't stop staring at Dexter's receding figure which kept growing smaller by the second,  tears leaving her eyes. A few soldiers had accompanied them with their horses, cutting away from the large army.

       "I have to get back." She screamed tearfully at Geoffrey, struggling against him. The latter only gripped her tighter, sprinting the horse faster.

     "We have to get you to a safe space your majesty, please, bear with us until then." Geoffrey muttered as they journeyed through the bare faced trees.

    They'd only met for a few seconds and now they had to separate again. What if he never back? Appalled by the thought, Maya cried even harder. Never ridden a horse before, Maya found the whole experience jarring. It added aches to her already sore body, and no matter how hard she tried, she could never relax on the sprinting beast.

     All of a sudden, a rain of arrows descended on them. Geoffrey quickly fished out a shield, effectively covering her from the onslaught. The others did the same as well although their horses couldn't escape the it. A few tumbled down with their horses, getting hurt. Geoffrey effectively jumped down from his horse with the queen and started to run away with her. The rest of the soldiers charged forward to their attackers

    "Where are you going?" Nicholas furious voice boomed ahead of her and Maya froze, goosebumps breaking out on her skin. Geoffrey paused, drawing out his sword. Setting Maya on the ground, he glanced around him. They had been surrounded. Placing Maya at his back, he charged forward, cutting down the enemies that approached him.

     "Your majesty, run!" Geoffrey screamed at her when he saw an opening.  Maya stared at them for a while before running into the forest, lost for what to do.  As she ran, tears streamed out of her eyes, making it impossible for her to see, so she kept tumbling down as her legs kept getting caught by tree roots. Still she picked herself up and kept running, never looking back.

       Just when she was about to drop from exhaustion, someone hit her causing them to tumble to the ground. An enemy soldier had caught up with her! Maya opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out, she could only gape at the person over him, squirming. Her heart pounding in her chest.

     Grabbing a fistful of sand, she threw it into the bastard's helmet and scrambled away from him. He grabbed her legs, drawing her back to him. Maya screamed. Frantic, she searched for a stone and found it. Snatching it, she tried to hurl at the soldier but he smacked her hands, making the stone fall off. He drew out his sword and Maya saw her life flashing before her eyes.

       Till he was hit in the head by an arrow. His sword clattered to the ground and he fell face down. Maya could only lie there, frozen.  She heard approaching footsteps and looked up to see Geoffrey covered in blood, heaving out breaths. He pushed the dead soldier away from her and looked at her.

        "Are you alright, Your majesty?"

        Maya could only gaze at him, still in shock.

      "We have to go. Reinforcements are on their way." He helped her up and tried to urge to her to run when a sharp pang of pain slashed through her. She gripped her stomach, doubling over in pain.

      "Your majesty?" Geoffrey breathed out, alarmed. But Maya couldn't hear him past the pain that was filling her body. She fell to the ground, still clutching her stomach.

     "My stomach, it hurts!" She groaned, sounding agonized. Geoffery just stared at her. Torn on what to do. That's when she felt it, Something warm and sticky, trickling down between her thighs. She was bleeding. The pain worsened and she began crying. She had her periods before but they were never this painful. Never this painful. What is wrong with her?

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