Chapter 51

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In the days that followed, Maya had grown positively miserable. The pain in her abdomen had worsened and living without food and water and weakened her terribly. She used to cry herself to sleep but now she doesn't have the energy for that anymore. She just lays on the ground, curled into a ball as she fought away the cold that had lodged into her very bones.

Fortunately after that night, Gavin had stopped seeing her. But it didn't mean her worries had abated. She was always scared that one day, a random man might waltz into the tent and decide to use her body for pleasure. The terrifying thought had made it impossible for her to relax in any way. Today however proved to be different, as Maya laid on the bare ground, she noticed there was a flurry of activity in the usually calm campground. Blinking her eyes, Maya tried to figure out what was going on? Is Dexter here already?

The thought made her heart race and she hoped she was true. Struggling to get to a sitting position, Maya tried to stand up to ask what was going on. Just as immediately, Maya felt a pinch in her belly, causing her to clutch her abdomen. Maya kept holding it till she felt the pain pass, tears filling her eyes. These needle like pinches have become more frequent these past few days and they had begun to scare her. She made to stand again when someone strode into the tent, interrupting her.

It was Nicholas. This is the first time she had seen him since he brought her here and his was donned up in his armor. He stayed at the entrance, staring at her for what seemed like minutes before taking a step forward.

"You look horrible." He muttered underneath his breath as he neared her. Maya tried to chuckle but failed horribly. She'd grown so weak.

"You don't say." She murmured, hoping the croaking sound was as a result of her anger at him. He pulled out a bottle of water and stretched it towards her.

"Drink it." He ordered. Maya stared at him instead.

"Why are you here?" She muttered instead.

"To see you. Now drink it."

Begrudgingly, Maya collected the bottle from it and drank and slowly drank it contents. The fresh water filled her empty stomach, causing her to grow dizzy but she blocked it back and with trembling hands, returned the bottle to him. He ignored her as he began speaking.

"We've gotten a response from your King. He's close by. Tomorrow, we would be marching to the battleground. You should prepare yourself." He stated flatly.

Maya rolled her eyes at his words, doing her best to hide the elation and fear in her heart "Gavin does not know I'm here." He continued anyway. He brought out a piece of bread and threw it at her. "Eat. You will need the energy for tomorrow." He muttered and started to leave.

"Nicholas." Maya called out, causing him to stop in his tracks. He turned to look at her. "Just so you know, you're going to regret this." She stated, her voice weak.

He just scoffed. "Still spouting nonsense, I see." He growled menacingly before staring at her pitiful state and walking out of the tent. Maya stared at the bread on her body and bit her lips, her eyes watering once more. She blinked them back, taking in a deep breath.

She will not cry again.

It was hours later when Gavin showed up at the tent. Seeing him all bandaged up gave her immense satisfaction. She glanced up at him and saw the pleased look on his face.

"I told you didn't I? " He started, glaring down at her. "He signed it. He's willing to given up the whole of Madonia for you." Then his eyes narrowed, contempt lacing his words. "He loves you that much." Then clicking his tongue, started to pace around in the tent. "Love, that has always been his greatest weakness, and it will cause him his greatest downfall."

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