Introducing the Stars

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"Nova Star! Could you come down here?" My father yelled from downstairs. I let out a sigh as I looked back at the screen to see my best friend, Sara, rolling her eyes.

"I have to go. We'll talk tomorrow." I told her

"Last day of being a junior!" Sara exclaimed. This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Bye Sara." I ended the phone call.

"Nova!" My father once again called out for me. He was usually calm and collect, willing to wait a minute or two for me to walk down to him, but now he sounded eager to talk to me about something. He didn't sound very happy, that's for sure.

I followed the light chatter coming from the living room.

Upon seeing who was there a smile reached my face. Three out of my five brothers were sat on the couch turned away from the staircase, so they couldn't see me coming.

Taking that to my advantage I tiptoed over to my third eldest brother. Before he could recognize that there was someone behind him, I shook his shoulders hoping it would scare him a little.

It didn't work. Instead he gave out a low chuckle, turning his head around to look at me.

"You're still very loud on your tippy toes." He chuckled, making me huff.

A smirk took over his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes showed me that he was planning something.

I looked behind me to see if someone was sneaking up on me, but no one were.

Before I knew it my brother had reached his arms over his head and took a grip a little over my hips. He was now leaning backwards on the couch.

My slow mind managed to figure out what was happening a millisecond to late. He had already managed to lift me up in the air, got me to do a little flip, while he held me securely. I yelped at the movement and closed my eyes ready to fall right on my face.

That didn't happen tho. After the little flip my brother had placed me firmly on his lap, his big strong arms wrapped around my body.

I opened one eye, then the other.

"Still works." He told me while winking at me. My two other brothers were laughing at my panicky expression. My mom, who I now saw sitting  next to my dad on the chaise longue, shook her head amused, while dad gave me a small adoring smile. His smile soon turned into a frown as he looked away from me and down at a piece of paper he had in his hand.

"Caelum. You need to stop doing that. One of these days you're going to drop her." My mom scolded my older brother.

"Never!" He replied stubbornly, squeezing me harder. This made me start squirming to get out of his hold. When he didn't let go I did the only thing I could see fit. That made him move his firm arms immediately.

"Ahhhh! She bit me!" Caelum shrikes.

"Should have let me go." I stated with a shrug. Popping one of the grapes that was on the table into my mouth.

"You could have asked, little piranha." He mocked. While I made myself comfortable in the couch opposite from where my brothers were sitting.

You should know that I have five brothers. Two of them are living in a whole different country. Then there is my three other brothers that live in the same country as me, just not the same states or cities.

First it is my third oldest brother. Caelum. He is fun to be around. He can be a total mother-hen sometimes, but usually all fun. He is 27 years-old. That's right. My third oldest brother is eleven years older than me. He lives in Helena, while we live in Seattle. Which is a good nine hour drive away. Why he ended up there is beyond me. He is a kindergarten and elementary school teacher, so he could easily have found a job nearby.

Then there is my second youngest brother. Phoenix. He is the smart one. Often also the quiet one. That's what I love the most about him. He doesn't constantly talk, but once he does, it's always something smart or meaningful. He's a great listener too.

He finished high school a year earlier than everyone else to start medical school. And graduated as the youngest one in over twenty years. Only twenty-two when he got to practice medicine. Now, he is specializing as a pediatric doctor. Where his patients usually ranks from two-years-old to eight teen-years-old. That's a big span of ages. 'Sadly' for me, my age is in that ranking. Which means that when he is home he likes to practice some of the stuff he learns on me.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Nova, I have an exam coming up could you help me practice to the practical exam?" You guessed right that was Phoenix. Now I got to be his stunt woman, again.

I rolled my eyes at him, but gave a small nod to show that he could practice on me. He gave me grateful smile in return. He went to the University of Washington Medical Center. Phoenix lived nearby. Ten minutes with car and twenty minutes with collective traffic. Despite him being 26-years-old I would say that we are pretty close. He is the one I go to if I really need help with something or if something is troubling me.

Then there is my youngest brother Hunter. He's a pain in the ass. Sorry, not sorry. Being the closest to me in age he is the one I have lived with longest. That has resulted in him knowing exactly how to get on my nerves, or get me to do what he wants. It got a lot better after he moved out four years ago. His ass-ness reduced a little and he became a little more caring, just a little. But that is what you would expect of a twenty-three-year-old. He goes to Harvard law school, in Boston. That is also far away.

I said I have five brothers.

I do, but I don't really know my two oldest brothers. What I do know is that my other brothers and my parents have a perfectly good relationship with them. They all talk weekly and visit them regularly.

If you asked one of them if they knew me their answer would most likely be 'of course, she's my sister', but for me it's not like that.

My oldest brother is Orion, he is thirty-years-old. That's a big age different. My second oldest brother, Vulcan,  is just a year younger than Orion, at twenty-nine-years-old.

My mom is always telling me of how much I adored both my eldest brother, Orion and also how much he adored me.

She has stories about me  were I wouldn't let him go to school or leave his side. I was like a shadow apparently. Everyone tells me how much both my brothers miss me and can't wait to see me again. Which confuses me a great deal.

The rest of my family have been visiting them and been in contact with them, but I haven't. I find it really weird how they haven't so much as called me one single time if they miss me that much.

They left for Italy when I was four-years-old. Never knew why. I can't remember ever getting a warning either. They just up and left one day. One eighteen-year-old and one seventeen-year-old. Left the country alone. I remember that day. Usually I don't like thinking about it.

"Earth to Nova!" My father stood in front of me waving a hand back and forth, successfully stopping my train of thoughts. I looked up at him with a questioning look.

"Mind telling me what this is?" He held up a piece of paper. The same paper that had made him furrow his brows a few minutes earlier. His face told me that this couldn't be good.

I started ransacking my brain for things I have done the past six months that I shouldn't have done, and might earn the disappointed look my father was now supporting.

I have gotten good grades, haven't been in a fight or stolen anything. I did pull a prank on the headmaster, but I don't think they caught us.

Unless they did.

I tried to look at any of the other people in the room. Maybe they knew what this was about. Starting with Hunter, he just looked amused at me getting scolded for once. Phoenix and Caelum looked as confused as I did, while mom looked... sad?

What have I done to make my mom sad?


Orion: 30 years-old
Vulcan: 29 years-old
Caelum: 27 years-old
Phoenix: 26 years-old
Hunter: 23 years-old
Nova: 16 years-old

Markus-Dad: 52 years-old
Leana-mom: 52 years-old

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