I think I am ready

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A/N: this is not edited... don't know what I think of it. Let me know if there's anything you're missing!

She chickened out.

Nova chickened out of doing the one thing she traveled several miles to do. She went through twelve hours of traveling for her to chicken out.

When Nova saw her. Her heart pumped hard, it felt like it was going to explode. Her sweaty hands clenched into fists. Through the nerves Nova felt anger. Anger towards everyone around her.

Orion tried to get Nova out of the car, but he failed miserably. Even Alex couldn't do anything to get her out of the car. She thought she was ready to meet her, but she wasn't. Nova wasn't ready to comprehend the truth. Meeting her, forgiving her would mean that all of this mess actually was reality. It wasn't some fucked up nightmare she could wake up from. It was her life, her fucked up life.

After an hour of Nova refusing to exit the car. Carina decided that she probably needed some more time. She gave her daughter a sad but encouraging smile through the car window before she said bye and left with a man that had been standing patiently waiting for the reunion to happen.

Several hours later she laid alone in one of her brothers spear bedrooms. Alex had of course gotten another room since Orion definitely didn't want them to sleep in the same room, god forbid the same bed.

A low rustling noice outside the bedroom door got her attention. She turned around to check the time on the alarm clock. 07.30. She had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the soft pillow ten hours ago. After an exhausting travel day and then the attempt on a reunion, she had every right to be exhausted.

A sigh left her body as the sounds outside her room turned into voices. Sneaking out of the comforter and placing both her feet on the slightly chilly hardwood floor, she threw on some chill cloths before walking to her bedroom door. The voices still echoed through the apartment.

She was hesitant before she peaked her head out there was no one outside her door anymore. The door made a screeching. She grimaced at the slightly high obnoxious sound.

The voices she had heard from what she figured out was a bedroom stoped. They probably heard her not so subtle attempt to be silent. A head peeked out from another room a few meters down the hallway.

Orion stepped out with a smile on his face. Who was he talking to? He turned around to close the door before he beckoned his little sister to come over to where he was. Nova hesitated. She didn't want it to be awkward. She hated awkward situations and tried to avoid them as much as she could.

She felt uncomfortable, they where just standing there staring at each other. She knew she had to say something. Lucky the slight pressure she felt in her bladder made a good excuse to not go over to her brother.

Nova cleared her raspy morning throat. "Where is the bathroom?" She asked her brother. Her voice came out a little less confident than she wanted, but she blamed it on being to early in the morning. The thought was followed by a visible yawn.

Orion chuckled at his tired sister. He dabbed his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing towards the room he just exited. "It's occupied at the moment, but we have a toilet in the hallway."

Confusion filled her face as she looked at him. Who had he been in the bathroom with? It surly was not Alex. Judging by the time he hadn't even opened his eyes for the day. Orion's friend left after helping carrying in the luggage so it couldn't be him either.

As if seeing the wheels in her head turn, Orion let out a soft laugh. Once again he tried to get the girl to follow him. This time he did something that was out of character even for him. He used to do it all the time when Nova was little, he even remember doing it with Hunter and Phoenix. He stretched his arm out and wiggled his hand for Nova to hold onto.

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