Get away

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"What are you doing here?" I heard my mom ask from downstairs. Her shocked voice ringing through the house.

I heard several muffled footsteps, indicating that my father and brothers had joined her at the frontdoor to see who the unexpected guest was.

"Nova called. She was crying, not managing to form complete sentences. What happened?" Anna, Alexs mom stepped into the house closing the door behind her.

Once I heard her familiar kind voice I rushed to put the rest of my toiletries in the overnight bag I had packed.

Standing up I looked at the girl in my bathroom mirror. Her hair was pushed away in a messy bun, not the trendy one, but the hurried, greasy one. Her eyes blood shot as fresh salty tears wouldn't stop forming. The nose was red from all the times she had to wipe the snoot away. Pale skin and a little bit gray. Her lips dried from not getting the amount of hydration they need. Her upper body frame drowning in a hoodie her boyfriend gave her.

I didn't recognize her, she looked sick. This couldn't be me, I wouldn't allow it. And the only way for it not to be me was to get out of this house.

After leaving my family in the living room I made my way up to my room. The first thing I did was call the only adult person I trusted right now.

I sobbed and sobbed, not managing to get a word out. She couldn't understand a word I said. 'I'm coming over Nova, take deep breaths, I'll be there in ten minutes.' Was the last thing she said before she hung up on me.

Picking up my bag, I walked down the stairs and towards the hallway.

My brothers gave me confused looks as they saw me approach with the bag.

"What are you doing, Nova?" Caelum said his first words in forever. His eyes watered as he knew what I was doing. The softness in his eyes reached out to my heart. I had to look away. I couldn't change my mind now.

"I can't stay." Was the answer I gave him before walking over to Anna. She wrapped me in a big hug.

"What's going on, sweetheart?" She asked. Her voice full of confusion. I could feel her head moving. Probably looking between my parents.

I did the same. I turned my head in her embrace, not letting go, but managing to see my parents faces.

My mom held her hand to her lips trying to muffle the sob that escaped her. My dad dragged his grand through his hair in frustration. Tears slipping out of both their eyes.

"She know the truth." An almost numb voice sounded out, it was Hunters voice. His broken eyes met mine. "Don't leave us."

I had never seen him this way before. His eyes where red, and his hair was all over the place.

I let go of Anna as I walked carefully over to him. I wondered what I should do when I reached him.
My heart decided before my head could. I leaned towards him and gave him one last hug. He held me tight.

"It's not your fault." I whispered to him. He gave me a nod in return before letting my go.

I did the same to Phoenix and Caelum. Whispering the same words to them.
They couldn't be held accountable for the mistakes of their older siblings and parents.

Orion seemed to get the memo that I was not going to hug him. Hurt flashed through his face. The same with my parents. Cry after cries erupted from my mother.

I walked up to Anna again. She reached out for my hand and I took it.
Dad tried to grab my shoulder to hold me back but I stepped away from his reach.

"Don't do this Nova." Shaking his head miserable as he deserved.

Anna opened the door and lead me out. Before closing it I could hear her say something to the rest of them.

"We'll take care of her. Give her some time, I'll keep you updated." Her sad voice echoed as I made my way towards her car.

"We love you, baby!" My mom yelled after me before Anna got a chance to close the door fully behind her, following me.

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