Man to man? Wow, you're a man now!

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Again... not sure about this. It's not edited, but I felt like getting it out as soon as I was finished.

I've had a lot of things going on with school and work, these past months, that's why I haven't gotten around to post anything before now.


"You scared me." Carina adjusted her tired eyes towards her brother. A warm smile fell on his face while he took in the sight of his twin sister.

Carina had been leaning against the wall in the hallway for a long time. Her eyes trained on Nova's bedroomdoor. It was currently two in the morning. Her butt had fallen asleep a few hours ago, and her back pained from the hard floor she had been sitting on. But she didn't mind. She could sit there much longer. The one motivation was knowing that Nova was on the other side of that door.

"Is she still awake?" Orion asked as he slid down the wall to sit beside his sister. He let out a small hiss in pain as the movement reminded him of his back troubles. "I've been reminded that I'm not as young anymore far too many times this past week." Orion laughed his pain away. An amused smile appeared on Carinas face.

"You and me both, brother." The woman leaned her head on her brother's shoulder. Her eyelids closed and a sigh left her body. "She stopped crying, so assumed she cried herself to sleep." Carina lifted her head again, her hand rubbed against her forehead.

Orion hummed in response. "Remember when you would sit outside of her room whenever she slept?" Orion reminisced about the time when Carina stilled lived at home with baby Nova. "Mom insisted that she was fine without you in the same room. You left the room though, but you were never far away." He chuckled at the memory.

There was several times the family had to walk over a sleeping Carina in the hallway because she had to be nearby if anything were to happen.

"The irony is pathetic. Couldn't leave her for a second the first four months, then a month later I left to an other country. I should've never left!" In frustration she hit the back of her head against the wall a few times, not hard but still enough for her to feel it. Tears appeared in her eyes. She clenched her eyelids making tears flow faster down her rosy cheeks.

Orion adjusted the way he sat so he could easily embrace her. He brought his sister closer to him as he held her crying form. "I shouldn't have left!" She choked on her words. Her body relaxed. She let all the frustration and anger towards herself fall together with her tears. She needed to get it out. She had never told anyone her regrets. Orion sat silently by her side and listened.

Orion had always regretted not being involved in Nova's life. He too was hurt about it, but he couldn't imagine the pain his sister, Novas biological mother was feeling about not being involved at all in her life. At least Nova always knew Orion and Vulcan existed.

A little rustling on the other side of the hallway made the duo avert their gaze towards the source of the commotion. A tired looking Alex walked out of the room that was assigned for him.

He had woken up a few minutes earlier, he wanted to check in on Nova, but decided against that when he heard the siblings talking. He waited a few minutes, until he thought they had gone to bed again. He knew that he was wrong as soon as he stepped foot into the hallway. He was met with two people smiling at him.

"Did we wake you?" Carina asked concerned, while drying a few tears.

"No no. Just wanted to get some water. Didn't know you were here." He lied effectively. "I'll be quick, sorry for interrupting."

Alex started on his way towards the kitchen. "No it's okay, you didn't interrupt anything. We were on our way to bed." Carina smiled at him. Orion got up to help Carina stand up. They gave each other a hug before Carina went to bed.

Orion followed Alex into the kitchen. He went straight towards the fridge, next to the sink where Alex stood, drinking up his glass of water.

A hand with a glass bottle reached out to Alex. The boy looked at it confused, his eyes moved to the man holding a beer out for him.

"You're legally allowed to drink in Italy, take it." Orion moved his hand closer to Alex to prove his point, he gladly took it. He opened his own beer and took a sip, before a sigh left his lips. He closed his eyes, and leaned his back towards the same counter the young man was leans against. He rubbed his hands over his eyebrows in a stressed manner.

"Thanks." Alex whispered as he to took an even bigger sip of the cold, refreshing beer.

Orion chuckled as he looked at Alex through his peripheral vision. "Eighteen year olds shouldn't like their first taste of beer." He teased the smirking teenager.

"Busted" Alex joked at his statement.

There was a moment of silent as the two guys stood in the dark kitchen. The only light came from the moon shining through the big terrace doors. Orion had meant to get some curtains, he had just forgotten it every time he was out of the house to run errands. It didn't matter now, it was practical that the room was a bit lit up now.

"You and Nova seems close. She trust you." Orion interrupted the silence. They both stared at the porch doors.

"Yeah, we are. Being friends with someone for seventeen years has that effect."

Orion smiled. "Can't believe it's been seventeen years. Hell, I can't believe I offered you a beer." Orion said as he turned his head towards Alex. "Give it back."

Unsure if the man was joking or not, Alex put his lips against the beer and gulped the whole thing down in one chug.

Orion who was indeed joking lifted a surprised eyebrow. Shocked over this mischievous boy.

"Ups." Was all Alex said as a Grimm formed on both of their faces.

"Moron." Orion shook his head amused.
"I've been thinking." Orion suddenly got really serious."

"About what?" Alex asked, curiosity in his voice.

"You two were supposed to go to Italy alone. I'm sure if you didn't go, Nova would still have gone without you. Am I right?" He turned towards Alex who nodded slightly.

"You probably are. But there was never a question of her going alone. I was always going to come with her."

Orion gave him a curt nod. "As much as I hate to admit it, nothing good is coming out of you guys staying here. Nova won't come out of her room as long as Carina is here. And I don't want Carina to be alone in her apartment now, when all of this emotional turmoil is going on."

Alex's eyebrows creased in confusion. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that I trust you. I trust you to take care of my sister. I'm going to book a hotel room at the nearest hotel. I'm paying, so no worries about that. I just want to do what's best for Nova, and at the moment this is what's best." Orions eyes glistened at the confession.

Alex had to admit he was a little shocked, but it made him happy nonetheless. "You can trust me, she'll be safe." He admitted

Orion nodded, a solemn look took over his face.

"And Orion." Alex voice was low. "You can trust Nova too. She's a stubborn girl, with strength of steal. Figuratively speaking and physically. She's smart, maybe a bit hot headed, but you have all reasons to be proud of her. She can take care of herself if she had to." Alex admitted. Orion noticed his eyes as he talked about Nova. They sparkled.

"I know. Just make sure she's okay, and don't be one of the guys she needs to protecting herself against. You might have everyone else fooled, but I know a guy in love when I see him. Don't be stupid. I trust you to not be stupid." Orions voice hardened slightly.

"Yes sir." Was the only answer Alex could muster up. A small blush crept up on his face. Light enough, to not let Orion notice.

Orion smiled at the young man in front of him. He patted his back lightly. "Good night. You can move out tomorrow if it's okay with Nova." He walked out leaving Alex alone in the kitchen

"Good night"

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