What a start

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The next morning I woke up in my hideous old bedroom. It was colored in a color of pink that should be illegal. I let out a groan as I sat up.

Last night I had managed to get everything that isn't stuck to the floor or walls away in some black trash bags. I filled up four whole bags before the room looked a little less like a Disney princess had thrown up in here.

The bags where now filled with Barbie dolls, princess, costumes, my little ponies, stuffed animals and so on.

Getting out of bed I remembered that I had forgotten to grab a few extra outfits from the room Phoenix is now using. Groaning once again I make my way to the room. I don't bother knocking since I know he'll be asleep anyway. I sneak into the sliding doors that lead into the walking closet.

"What are you doing?" Phoenix's head pops out from under the cover. His husky morning voice startling me.

"I forgot to fetch some clothes yesterday. I'm going to be quick." I said

"Mhmmm" He answered laying his head back on the pillow watching me go through my closet. "Why are you up this early?"

"School." I deadpanned. I found my fit and left for the bathroom. My old room didn't have a bathroom. I used to share it with mom and dad, there wasn't any need for me having my own. Now what am I going to do? This summer is going to be a catastrophe!

With that in mind I grabbed my school bag and left for the kitchen.

"Good morning, little monkey." A cheerful Caelum greeted me with a kiss on the top of my head.

"Your in a good mood." I noted.

"I'm always in a good mood, especially in the mornings." He almost sang out. Freak.

"You need a ride?" A ride from my brother would be much better than taking the bus. Usually Sara would drive, but her older sister had to borrow her car this weekend so we decided to take the bus together.

"Yeah if you don't mind. Sara's going to be her any minute now, we were going to take the bus together, do you mind if she joins?" I asked him.

"Not at all. Haven't seen that trouble maker in awhile." Caelum chimed just as the doorbell rang.

I opened the door for my best friend. As I did I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

"It's not funny, and now we're going to be late for the bus!" Sara stomped her foot.

"What happened to you?" Sounded from behind us. Sara's face turned beat red as she looked at my brother. I just continued to laugh at my friends misery.

She was soaking wet from head to toe. It wasn't even raining. How did that happen? Her knees where scraped. The reason I could se her knees being her ripped jeans. Poor thing.

"Nova, stop laughing." Sara told me sternly. I could tell that she didn't find it funny at all. And I could see some tears pricking her eyes.

I mumbled a quick sorry before I lead her in to the kitchen where Caelum had already taken out the first aid kit and had a towel ready for her.

"Come here" He instructed as he patted the kitchen counter. Sara hesitantly made her way towards my brother. A yelp left her mouth as my older brother —and I kid you not— picked her up from under her armpits and hoisted her up on the counter.

She could have easily gotten up herself. She has the hight of supermodel. But my brother is a giant so she hasn't quite reached him yet.
If Sara wasn't beat red already I can tell you she was now!

"Caelum!" I ground at his antics. He just gave me a hum in return.

"So, Sara. What happened?" He asked my flustered friend.

" A car drove passed me as I walked by this giant water pound. He splashed me from head to toe. It startled me, and I didn't pay attention to where I was going so I didn't lift my feet when I came to a curbside resulting in me stumbling over it, ripping my pants and scraping my knees" I could again see the pricking of tears in her eyes. Those pants was one of her favorites.

Caelum of course did not know that the reason to her tears was the fact that the jeans she had spent seventy dollars of her own money on was now ruined, not that her knees was scraped. She couldn't care less about that.

"Hey don't cry, your knee is gonna be just fine. I'm just gonna clean it up a little. Get all of these baby stones out. It might hurt a tiny bit, but you just have to yell out 'ow' as loud as you can and I'll pause it. But after a short pause we will have to try again. If we don't do it the bacteria is going to get it and then it will hurt even more than it does now." Caelum explained. I looked at Sara and she looked at me. We really couldn't hold it back.

We both let out a loud laugh after Caelum was finished explaining how Sara's knees was going to be just fine.

Caelum looked up from what he was doing with the first aid and looked up at us. A small blush from embarrassment adoring his face.

"I gave you the whole 'post cleaning' speech didn't I? I'm sorry, it's a reflex. As soon as I start handling a first aid kit something in me goes right into elementary mode. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I know you can handle this just fine without my help. I just like to help when I can." This man deserve the world. Never thought about it before, but my brother is quite the gentleman.

"It's okay Caelum. It was fun. I'll make sure to yell out 'ow' if it stings to much." Sara winked at him making him and I chuckle.

"There you go! Good as new. Well almost. Are you sure you don't want a bandaid over it. It might keep it from getting all kind of dust and smudge in it for the day." Caelum finished up and packed all the first aid back in the kit.

"I'm sure." Sara said as she jumped down from the counter. "Thank you, Caelum." She gave my brother a quick hug and a peck on the cheek like we have always done when saying thank you.

"No problem, clumsy. Go steal some cloths from Nova, we have to leave in ten minutes." He dismissed her. I told her to pick out anything she wanted before she ran up to my room.

"Sooo, Caelllluuuuumm." I dragged out

"Yes, Nooooovvaaaa." He mocked.

"I'm just wondering if you have a special someone." I shrugged. His head snapped towards me.

"Why are you asking?"

"I... I don't know actually. I have just never seen you with anyone before. And you really deserve the perfect one. Maybe I hoped you had someone in Helena." I shrugged again "I don't know." I added one more time.

"Aww. That's really sweet of you to think like that. I'll promise you that if I ever get a girlfriend, you'll be the first person to know." He embraced me in a hug and i held on until Sara came running down again.

"Okay! Then we'll go!" Caelum announced while letting go of me.

"Yes please! I can't wait for this morning to be over!" Sara exclaimed loudly. "You know, one of you could have told me that Phoenix was sleeping in your bedroom. It could have speared me for a lot of embarrassment." To that both Caelum and I laughed.


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