The past

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Sixteen years ago

"Orion!" Carina managed to get her twins attention over the roaring music and several high schoolers laughing. "Mom and dad are going to kill us!" Her hands going up in frustration.

"Jesus, C, you're never letting anything fun happen. Mom and dad said it was okay to invite people over." Orion was clumsily dancing to the music in the background.

"They said yes to a small get together. Not a house party full of people we don't know! And alcohol!" Carina knew she was the one who was going to be blamed. Orion had always been the reckless one. She should have stopped this before it got out of hand.

Orion saw the amount of stress the situation was causing Carina. He let out a sigh. "We make a deal. Sander here are going to make you one drink, without alcohol—" He gestured towards his best friend. He gave a stern look to Sander who held up his hands mockingly. "— it's not even nine yet, when the clock ticks nine I will personally throw everyone out. Deal?" Orion held out his hand. Carina rolled her eyes but it was a fear deal.

"No alcohol." Orion yelled to Sander again before both him and Carina disappeared into the kitchen.

"Put that vase down!" Someone yelled before a loud crash coursed through the house.

Carina let out a displeased grumble before she slid down on a chair. She buried her head in her arms.

"I'm so dead!" She exclaimed.

Sander, her brothers best and longest friend chuckled at that.

"Your parents don't know how to be mad at you and your brother. If this was me, my dad would've sent me to the hospital after he was done with me. You're maybe gonna get a 'we're disappointed in you both.' And then everything is going to get back to normal after that." He mocked. Carina saw that he was clearly drunk. He was the bad boy of the school, but Carina knew that wasn't who he really was.

Growing up he had been neglected by the people who were supposed to take care of and love him the most. He spent more time at her house then at his own.
Marcus and Leana saw him as their sixth son.

"Now, what do you want to drink?" Sander took a dishtowel over his one shoulder to make him look like a bartender.

"Just some water please." Carina laughed.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we're out. We do have a lot of sodas." He said as he started juggling a can of Pepsi and a red beer cup.

"Fine." Carina rolled her eyes. "One Pepsi." She sat back down with her head in her hands.

"Coming right up!" Sander said. He turned away from Carina. First he filled the cup with Pepsi, next he took out an orange see threw cylinder. He took out two tablets and discretely but it into the cup.

"Here you go." He beamed as he gave it to Carina. A sickening smile took over as the girl drank the whole cup in a few minutes.

Suddenly Carina felt tired. She felt like her body was going limp. The high music and chatter became muffled and her vision blurred out.

"I'm not feeling too good." She mumbled lazily. "I think I'm gonna go to bed." Sweet Carina smiled at Sander who faked concern.

"Let me help you up to your room."

Carina was going to deny it, put as soon as she stood up she couldn't feel her legs. They gave out on her. She managed to get a grip around Sanders torso before she face planted.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

Sander gave a nod before they where on their way up the stairs and towards her bedroom.

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