Lost for words

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Every Italian words in this chapter is translated on google. If there is anyone that wants to correct it be my guest!😉 This chapter is not edited so I'll re-read it soon and correct the errors then!
Hope you guys enjoy🫶🫶

"You seem a little... green. Are you sure you're okay?" Alex frowned at my hunched over form. I always forget how sick I get while flying. My immense fear of flying doesn't make it any better. But this time I refused to let the sickness get the the best of me.

"I'm fine." I mumbled while I adjusted my position, hoping that would reduce my nausea. My head rested on the window, I tired my best to inhale everything I could of the small amount of cold air that hit my face.

My eyes caught the sight at everything below the plane. I would do anything right now to be down there, with my feet safe on the solid ground.

Massive mountains looked like small rocks from up here. Big forests seemed like grass or weeds. The large ocean that one should have so much respect for looked like a peaceful pool.

As I kept looking, the bile in my throat got bigger and wanted to come up. Turbulence had now hit us hard. I got control over the need to throw up. My hand reached for Alex's hand. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"This is our last flight. You've been on two different flights today, we'll get through this one too." He kissed my forehead and I leaned into him for comfort.

A loud dinging noise was heard, the fasten seatbelt sign turned on. At first I thought this meant that the turbulence was going to get much worse.

Fear struck me as I looked at Alex with a terrified look. He laughed a little at my startled expression.

"We're landing, babe." He comforted. The pilot confirmed this by telling the cabin crew to get ready for landing. My fast beating heart slowed down a little, and the shaking in my hands was almost gone. But I knew I wasn't going to relax my tense body until I had both feet steady on the ground.

"Oh my god! Why do people insist on flying places. I will never do that again?" I exaggerate once my feet hit the Italian ground. A chuckle came from my left side. Alex loved being on a plane. I know that he wanted to be a pilot when he was younger. Lucky for me, his almost blind, not really, but his sight doesn't meet the requirements of the job, so his feet will stay on the ground.

"How are we going to get home then?" Alex mused at my statement.

"We won't, we'll have to stay in Italy forever." I joked. Of course I knew I would have to step foot on a plane again, but I would rather not think of it.

"A friend of mine is waiting for us outside. He will drive to my apartment, then we'll take everything from there. Sounds good?" Orion asked as we made our way through the big airport. We had just gotten our bags and Orion had suddenly turned into a tour guide.

"Sounds like you have a plan. I don't know why you're saying 'us'. Alex and I are staying at the hotel we booked." I shrugged, continuing to make my way out of the busy airport. I could feel the sigh my brother let out. He was most likely sick of my comments already. Too bad for him, he wasn't invited in the first place.

We were met by the longest line i have ever seen, just to get a taxi. My cocky smile turned to a slight frown as I assessed the situation. Alex came behind me, he nudged my shoulder slightly, telling me to follow him.

After an hour in the god forsaken line Alex and I had finally reached the end, and we were the next to get in a taxi. This whole hour Orion had been standing at the same place we left him. He had a patient look on his face. His whole body posture screaming how confident he was.

"Come, Nova. This is our taxi." Alex grabbed my hand and lead the way to the taxi that was going to take us to the hotel. I could see Orion take a few steps forward as we sat down in the taxi.

"Do you speak English?" Alex asked the driver. They only received a perplexed look as answer from the man in the front.

"This is going to be easy." I heard Alex mutter under his voice, a little annoyed by the lack of communication.
Instead he took up his phone to show the man the address.

As he took it a big frown came across his face. He seemed unsure before he shook his head.
"Sai che sei a Verona, vero? Questo indirizzo è a Roma. Non ti porterò così lontano." I was a little taken back by the force in his voice. Almost as he was yelling at us.

"Out!" He said next. I looked at Alex for answers but he looked just as confused as myself.

The two of us where trying hard to understand what he was saying. Luckily, or unlucky, you choose how you look at the situation. Orion had probably sensed that something was wrong since we hadn't driven away yet.

A knock on the driver side window made the driver roll it down. Orions head peered in. "Qualcosa non va?" He asked the man in Italian.

The two of them had a quick conversation with a little chuckling and then the shook hands before ending it.

Orion turned too us in the backseat and if I had any idea how embarrassed I was going to be in just a few minutes, I wouldn't have given him the most bitchy face I could muster, but I did.

"You have to get out, he won't drive you to your  hotel." Orion said as he opened the car fire where I was sitting.

"Why?" I questioned, not moving an inch.

"I'll tell you when your out of the car, let the man do his job without your tantrum being a part of it." Orion was still patient, just a little annoyance laced his tone.

Alex always listened to my brothers. He was not going to be accused of throwing a tantrum at an age of eighteen. He got out and I let out a sigh. I got out myself.

"What was the problem?" Alex asked my brother as he got out our last suitcase of trunk and rolled it of behind him following Orion too god knows where.

I walked a little behind the two of them, still listening to the conversation.

"Did you search for the address on google maps or something before booking your hotel?" He asked with a low chuckle.

Alex thought it over. "No... it's called the Verona hotel... I didn't think that was necessary." He excused.

"It's a bit miss leading. The hotel chain started in Verona, but it only had one hotel left, and it's in Roma. The driver didn't want to drive you all the way to Rome. I told him it was a misunderstanding and here we are." Orion laughed a little at Alex's now embarrassed face.

"Ohh, I see." I couldn't help but laugh a little myself. Of course something like this had to happen.

"Don't worry kid. The more you know. It seems like my plan of getting us a ride to my apartment wasn't as dumb ideas anyway. Don't you agree, Nova?" Orion turned to me. We had reached a pretty fancy BMW. I gave him a sarcastic smile, then my face went completely blank afterwards. He only winked at me before taking my suitcase and placing it beside Alex's who had just put it in for himself.

My boyfriend gave me a reassuring smile before we once again sat down in a new car.

"So, this is the famous Nova, ey?" The guy I had been introduced to as Orions friend, Aurelio, locked eyes with me in the rearview mirror.

Orion turned a little around to look at me, before answering. "Yeah the one and only." He chuckled.

We drove past the Italian landscape. It was really pretty. Wine fields stretched out, once in a while we could see pretty Italian houses a long the roads.

After an hour in the car, a small town came into view. It was a cozy one. Aurelio made his way into what looked like a small neighborhood. It was a parking space just ahead.

A beautiful woman no older than Orion walked back and forth. Her head snapped up as she heard the car coming towards her. Her beautiful eyes glossed as she saw who was in the car.

Orion sighed in the front seat. "Of course she couldn't have waited another day." He said, a ghost of a smile on his face. "Ready to meet your mother, Nova?" He turned to me.

My beating heart hammered against my chest. I couldn't do anything other than nod. Lost for words.

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