Hard blow

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I drove up to my house. It had been exactly eight hours since I left. Surprisingly I hadn't gotten a single text from my parents or brothers. It had been really nice not having anyone know where I was at every hour.

It wasn't like them to not ask once where I was, but whatever made them not do it, I owe it. Sadly I knew what may had kept them occupied for the time I was gone.

My older brothers.

Thinking of every possible way I could avoid them, I didn't come up with many.

The time had come, I had to interact with the two people I really didn't want to interact with.

Making my way up to the front door a million thoughts ran through my head. I haven't talked to these guys in twelve years. What do we even talk about?

Do we hug when I see them? Perhaps a handshake. But what if they go for a hug and I go for a handshake? That's gonna be awkward.

Sometimes I stutter when I'm nervous, what if they ask me a simple question and I can't answer. All the words just jumble together to none sentences.

Why am I this nervous at all? They shouldn't make me nervous. But they do. Why?

What if I blush. I blush easily.

I want them to see me as me. Not the one they think I am. Certainly not the four year old they once knew. I want them to see Nova Star, a sixteen, almost seventeen year old mature girl.

It's so hard to be mature around my family. Or at least seem mature.

If all the 'what ifs' happens, I'm going to look like a joke, and I don't want them to think of me as an joke either.

"Ahhh!" I let out a semi scream while I absentmindedly fell towards the front door to lean on it for a while. Just until I had figured out what I was going to do.

The cold door that I was now leaning my forehead on helped me gather my thoughts and courage to walk in.

Little did I know that the universe had something else planned out for my arrival. It made the 'what if's' a tiny bit less problematic.

As I was ready to stand up straight again, the door opened.
Yes, while I was throwing my self a pity party by leaning my whole weight on the front door, it opened. Inward may I add. Giving me no time to get up to a straight position.

When something you lean on is taken away from you without having time to react you usually end up falling. This scenario was no different.

I face planted right onto the cold hallway tiles. I could hear my forehead hit the ground. I let out a low grunt, forcing the tears threatening to escape to not come out right away.

I didn't know who was in the hallway but some commotion made me to believe that after my fall, there was a crowd forming. I couldn't just start crying because I felt for it. It hurt like hell. I needed to cry, but it could wait. Mature right?

"Nova! Oh fuck." It sounded like the person winced at the sound my forehead made while hitting the ground. I couldn't tell who it was.

"Nova? Are you okay." Someone kneeled down beside me.

No, I was not okay. In fact I was far from it. I was dizzy and nauseous from the fall. Tears pricking my eyes.

"Nova, can you hear me." That was an other person. There was at least three others standing around me. I was so disoriented. My face was still glued to the ground. I didn't want to move.

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