The Hitchhiker

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Last update. I'm going to miss you guys! T.T Hopefully, we'll be having pixelated hugs to my future works. THANK YOU FOR READING MY  WORK.

*I dedicate this chapter to my first-ever reader--CREEPERZZZZZ.

During our summer vacation, we've decided that we should travel somewhere we've never went to for summer vacations other than beaches--Legazpi, Albay. Seeing the Filipino pride that made it to the seven wonders of the world; if I'm not mistaken, is a very exciting first for us.

Along the way, we had to stop by and take a rest from all the driving--as we ask for directions.

After lunch, we went on the road and took this very steep and curvy road called the Old Diversion Road. Our driver had asked a person earlier about the road, and he said it was a shortcut.

While traveling on the heart stopping road that almost felt like a roller coaster railings above a deadly cliff, we noticed that our driver kept on honking the car's horn.
When we finally finished the route, our driver stopped the car by the nearest gas station--in an anxious state.

"Did you guys saw that?" the driver asked, and our questions were left hanging.

"What? Why did we took a stop?"

"There was a hitchhiker! She looks very pale, and her was distorted..She kept appearing everywhere--I swear it looked a lot like she can teleport!"

We ignored him and just comforted him so we can get on our way.

After a few days in Albay, we decided to go home. When we were about to take that same shortcut, our driver unbelievably took the longer route.

"What the heck, man?! That was the shortcut!"

He violently shook his head.

"I'm not going back there! I talked to a driver in Albay and he told me that a bus driver saw the same hitchhiker back in the days-- and before he knew it his brakes weren't working, and the accelarator seemed to have stepped onto its own. The bus dropped to the cliff. All of them died, he said. I'd rather take this road instead. I'm not going to risk my life out there."

They ignored him, but I think it was pretty convincing--and scary.


Thank you for reading! :)) Lovelots~


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