Class Picture

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When I was a freshman, I started hearing  some creepy stories about my school.

Things like they've seen someone walking down the hallway at night when nobody should be in the school.

I am very skeptical. I've never believed in ghost or any other things that I can't see.

But then I changed my perspective after the day we had our class picture taken.

We were going to take the shot at the oldest hallway in the whole school. It might sound exaggerated, but it's true. Every structure in our school were renovated for the last 3 years.. and that hallway was about to be removed when they hesitated.

The hallway had so many memories in them. Besides, the hallway was the perfect spot for a class picture because of the adequate amount of light it has when the sun is up.

The photographer was a very happy go lucky man. We were very thrilled at his service.

We were already in place, and the photographer  just had the first take when his bright smile disappeared.

My teacher asked what's wrong and he just shrug his thoughts, taking  another shots.

Then, we were instructed to go back to class. I was at the back, so I was the last one to move out when I saw my teacher's reaction.

She was creeped out, and so as the photographer. My teacher saw me and told me to go to my next class.

I just walked away and head to my classroom.

When I came back, my classmates were feeling a bit uneasy. I didn't know why, but they started to act like that after they have eavesdrop with my teacher's conversation with the photographer.

The next day, we didn't get any photograph like we were supposed to.

That afternoon, my teacher told me to get something from her table at the faculty office.

The faculty office was empty, as expected at that hour.

The faculty SA (Student Assistant) that was the only one in the faculty office that time allowed me to search for the thing my teacher was telling me when I lifted this book, not knowing that there were a few photographs inserted between the pages.

The photographs was on the floor when I realized what it is. It was our class picture.

I took a closer look and I was shocked at what I saw.

All of us had no heads on the first picture. And the other one, you can see that there's a woman between the two other boys at their back.

And what scared me the most was the last picture. Neither of us had faces, and clearly, you can see the woman smiling in front of my teacher.

The woman had no eyes or nose. She has this long hair, and her face only had a huge whole- her mouth.

We were the only batch that had our class picture taken at the day of our graduation. And that place were never used again.


BTW, napasok na pala ako sa school na yun ngayon. Wala na yung building na may hallway chuchu na nasa story.

Ayon sa pagkakarinig ko, hindi lang batch ni kuya (my guy friend's friend) ang nakuhanan ng ganun.

MADAMI SILA..Kaso sa kanila lang na batch nagpakita yung mumu..


Nga po pala.. credits to the owner of the picture...nakuha ko lang po yan sa google images..:))

Thank you for the read!!

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