The Culprit?

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I used to live in a dormitory when I was in college, and I had this freaking experience I will never ever forget.

Just as so you know, I live alone in that room in the dormitory.

I am a very organized person. My room is always tidy, and you can really see your own reflection on the floor-that's how tidy I am with anything.

One time, I put my phone down on the table where I always put it, and then it suddenly disappeared. I thought I lost it at school; but another part of me is demanding that I left it there on the table.

I am very organized, I never neglect my things.

The next morning, I was ready to buy a new phone after counting my allowance when I suddenly saw my phone on the table where I left it.

Of course, I ignored it. But then it kept on happening to the point that I'm already feeling the uneasiness and creepiness of the things happening in my room.

And then one night..I was washing the dishes and put my phone on top of the cupboards. This time, I can see it using my peripheral vision.

When I was already wiping the dishes, I saw little hands grabbed my phone swiftly, and when I glanced to look at the owner of those hands, all I can see was a little shadow running towards the wall, disappearing from my sight.

I was stupified, and I was trembling in fear when I saw that.

I looked at the cupboard where I left my phone and realized that my phone was missing.

I ran out of my dorm that night and stayed with my friend's room.

The next day, I decided to pack my things and move out of the room, still hesitating though.

But when I saw my phone on the floor as soon as I opened the door? Hell I was outta there.


Update of the week!*--*
I'm so so so so thankful for the reads!!*--*
WAAAAH!!! I love you guys!!!

Again..I'm not forcing you to vote or even comment..or even read my morbid- I mean creepy things.. its actually up to you.. xD

I'll just keep on writing and you'll just keep on doing what you do, okay guys?:))

Lovelots~ :-*

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