The Little Girl

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I've heard this from my cousin named Eric.

Eric is good when it comes to children. You know the saying that children and animals can see if a person is kind or not? Eric is with the kind ones.

Then there's this solitary-like child (about four years old) that just moved into Eric's neighborhood.

The little girl doesn't play with the other kids in the neighborhood. Children also started to avoid her just because they think she's weird.

Then, Eric's parents made friends with the little girl's family.

He and his parents would sometimes spend time together as a family in their neighbor's house , and Eric would notice the little girl sitting on the bench in their backyard.

He attempted to talk with her but she always run back inside the house and lock herself in her bedroom.

One particular time, when Eric was 15 and the little girl was already 4 years old, her parents badly needed someone to look after her while they fix some problems at work.

He voluntered to do it together with his mom, and the parents of the little girl didn't even hesitate since they were rather close.

It was a long night. Eric's mother gave up on trying to communicate with the child. The child didn't even looked at her. She then, just went downstairs and leave it all to Eric.

Eric was a bit worried. He might be good at children, but his mom was better than him.

He sighed and just watched the little girl as she continue to read the book she was holding.

Then to his surprise, he realized that they have the same interests when it comes to horses.

He started to construct a conversation about it. At first he thought that it was a bad idea, since because of that, he found out from her that she can't ride ponies anymore. And the reason was she is suffering from a bone marrow cancer.

But as they went on, he finally saw a smile on the child's face. It took a while, but soon after that, Eric's mother was also interacting with her.

The girl's parents were amased, and from that day on, Eric and the little child became the closest of friends.

Until the day that the little girl died at the age of eight.

Eric was devastated, and his mother tried so hard to comfort him.

At the day that the little girl was being grieved for in a little white rectangular box, he came closer to her together with his mother.

"Silvia, why did you left us so soon? Here's your Kuya Eric.."

Eric took all his strength not to cry, but he can't help it. He grew so attached to the little girl.

"Hey.. I'm..gonna miss you. We'll play again next time, don't worry."

Then to everyone's surprise, the coffin shaked. The lights flickered on and off and everyone was terrified.

But not Eric. To him, what happened in the funeral didn't scared him. Instead, he was glad that the little girl was happy to see him.


Okay.. so I made some alteration. Like the real reason why the girl died and her age was. Believe me, its much more tragic than that. But this is real. :)) It scared me and made me feel sad at the same time...:))

Thanks to my cousin who experienced this. She is a girl though.xD

The image is from google. xD *lets out a retarded laugh*

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