The Wrong Place to Put a Window

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I had this experience when I was at my friend's house for a sleepover.

Her bedroom is huge. It's in the second story of the house.

It has two windows in it- you'll see the largest one just as you enter the room, and a window at the top of her bed, that's about half the size of the other one.

It was a smooth night. We watched different shows and DVDs, only to find out that my friend can't stay up too late at night. She sleeps around 9 am and I can even stay up all night if I want to.

So she let me watch some more as she sleeps.

I was watching with the lights off, since it's too bright to keep the lights on.

The lights outside made a shadow for the window's grills at the top of the bed, so I have enough light.

Suddenly I saw a shadow-like figure went across the room. I look at the window and there I saw it again. The person outside seems to be the one casting the shadows, but I'm pretty sure it's too late to have people walking around outside.I didn't mind it at first, but it kept on repeating and repeating that I was finally creeped out and went to bed just as I shut the TV off.

It's too late at night.. why do people around here still walks around?

The next morning, I told my friend about it as we walked down the hallway.

"Hey, you know.. last night...I-"

I froze as I saw the stairs. Then it suddenly sinked into me..

Why would there be someone walking by the window when my friend's room was on the second floor?


Natawa at natakot. Yan ang reaction ko pagkarinig ko nang storya na yan sa super slow kong friend.xD

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