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Jungkook's POV:

When Taehyung left the house, a little bit of anxiety rose in my chest. It was just me and the girls. I'm not super great with children. I've always been scared I'll hurt them or scare them.

I locked the door behind Taehyung and went into the living room. I sat on the couch and started to think about how we were going to go back home. About an hour passed of me thinking and hearing the girls playing upstairs until I heard small foot steps pattering down the stairs. I turned to see my littlest angel, Miso.

"Daddy, where did Eomma go?" She asked, rubbing her swollen eyes.

"He went to talk with Jimin, he'll be back soon, baby." I said as I walked up to her and picked her up.

I grabbed her little hands to stop her from rubbing her eyes too harshly. I could hear her breathing when she was in my arms, she seemed to be wheezing.

"Does your chest hurt, love?" I asked stroking her soft hands.

She only nodded which made me frown.

"You cried a lot, maybe you should have some milk or honey." I said.

She rested her small face on my shoulder and she gripped my shirt tightly. I slipped my hand under her shirt to rub her back to keep her calm and relaxed. She seemed tired.

"Do you feel sick, baby?" I asked.

"My chest hurts and my eyes hurt, feels like I can't breath." She mumbled out.

"Aww my baby. Lets get you some milk." I said.

Aerum came downstairs and watched as I sat Miso on the counter.

"Where's Mama, Appa?" She asked.

"He went out with Jimin, he should be home soon." I answered.

She nodded and sat at the table in the kitchen.

"Does your chest hurt, Aerum?" I asked.

"A little, only when I breath in too hard." She said, playing with the sleeves of her sweater.

"Okay, I'll get you some milk." I said.

I looked in the fridge and found some banana milk and poured some in two sippy cups I found in one of the cabinets. I handed one to Aerum who took it and almost chugged it.

"Slow down, baby. Don't choke." I said before walking to Miso.

I handed her the cup and helped her hold it up as she sipped on the smooth liquid.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked.

They both nodded. I walked to look through our food and found some noodles and vegetables to make. I cooked the noodles and cut up some cucumbers and kimchi into tiny pieces for the girls. I cut up Miso's noodles and handed them both their plates.

Miso was sat next to Aerum when I had finished cooking. Aerum was reading her a story.

I ate some myself and fed Miso when she was having trouble with her fork.

After dinner I put their plates in the sink and turned back to them.

They both looked tired and I needed to know there usual bedtime.

"Aerum, you know your bedtime right?" I asked, acting like it was a quiz.

"Yes Appa." She said.

"When?" I asked as I looked at her with a smirk.

"8:15." She said.

I looked over at the stove clock that read 7:49.

"I think tonight's bedtime should be 8:00 after the long day you two have had." I said helping Miso finish her milk.

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