Locked Out

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3rd Person POV:

As they sat and watched movies, the girls were really only interested in the ones they got to choose. They wouldn't sit still for Jimin's pick, "The Notebook" or their Apps's choice, "Iron man."

The girls eventually went to grab their toys and got busy doing other things. It was fine until Aerum started to get really bored. She was even bored of drawing.

"Eommaaaa!" She whined to Taehyung.

"Yes, baby?" He asked as he rested his head against Jungkook's who hadn't moved in three hours.

Jin had brought them some food as Jungkook hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. They ate as they watched TV.

"I'm bored! I want to go outside!" Aerum said as she shook her Eomma's arm.

"It's raining, love." He said to her.

"But you love to play in the rain!" She whined more.

"When it's only raining. It's storming right now, it's not safe to be outside." He explained. She pouted, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Don't cry, baby. When the storm calms a bit, we can go play out in the rain, okay? I promise." He said as she wiped her eyes. A bright smile stretched across her face.

Taehyung had been hearing the loud strikes of thunder, occasionally they made him jump, but for some reason being in a cozy room with his loved ones, under a cozy blanket with his "husband," he felt safer than ever.

Whenever he jumped, Jungkook would rub the exposed part of his waist to calm him down. He'd never been so relaxed during a thunderstorm.

They continued to watch movies, they decided to play a board game, half way through Namjoon's choice. Taehyung slipped out of Jungkook's embrace, much to their dismay. He sat on the floor around the ottoman that had "The Game of Life" set up on.

Aerum and Miso giggled through the entire thing as their car was full of children all named "Kookie."

Jungkook had slipped down to the floor next to Taehyung who stretched his legs over Jungkook's lap. They sat and played together with their Hyungs and daughters.

After the game, Aerum saw the storm had calmed and went up to her parents to get them to play with her.

"Eomma! The storm is stopped! Can we go out and play now?" She asked in excitment.

Jungkook looked outside with a worried expression before looking back  at Taehyung and clutching onto the back of his shirt tightly.

Taehyung looked outside too and saw that it was only drizzling now so he didn't think anything bad would happen.

But oh, was he wrong.

"Go put on your boots and coat so you don't get sick." He said getting up to put on one of Jungkook's larger hoodies. He didn't realize Jungkook was watching him with concern filled eyes as he walked away.

He slid on his sneakers and went to the room to see if Aerum was ready. She was pulling on her boot.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes!" She squealed in excitement.

"Let's go, then." He smiled.

They walked to the front door.

"We will be back soon." He said, opening the door.

"Be careful" Jungkook said with a longing look on his face.

Jungkook had been very quiet and run down all day. He didn't leave Taehyung's side once. He was worried for the bunny boy, but he figured it was just because he fainted the day before.

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