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Taehyung's POV:

I watched as Jungkook passed out on the bed. The hand he used to hold my wrist fell limp and I knew he was sleeping.

My biggest fear was if he was leaving me alone in the future and this meant he was going back to our time.

What if he wakes up as his normal, future self? Then I'll be all alone here.

My heart sunk at that thought. I don't think I could handle this on my own.

I decided to stop thinking about that and focus on something else. I removed my wrist from his hand and rushed to my art studio. I grabbed a pouch of pencils and a sketchbook that was lying on the table. I brought it back into the bedroom and laid beside Jungkook on the bed.

I brought the sketchbook to my lap and started to doodle some pictures of my future daughters.

They were so precious.

I sketched out Miso with Jungkook's bunny smile and Aerum with my boxy smile. The sketches turned out really nice. I looked at the two girls on the paper. My heart filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling as I saw them smiling so widely.

These are my children.

That thought was still so surreal.

My eyes wandered to Jungkook who still laid next to me. I watched him. His eyes closed and expression peaceful. I brushed some bangs from his face. His cheeks were puffed, his eyes were still red and swollen.

What happened Jungkook?

While I looked at him, I wondered why he always put on a dominant facade, always acting like he was cocky and perfect. He was so fragile and far from what people call him. He wasn't cold, he wasn't a bad boy.

I studied his features more before I heard the door handle jiggle a little. It shook a bit before the door was finally pushed open by a smiling Miso who seemed to be struggling to reach the doorknob.

"Hi baby. Be quiet, Daddy is resting." I whispered.

"Ok." she whispered before walking around the bed to my side.

She raised her hands up to the bed and tried to pull herself up but was struggling. When she almost fell, I leaned over to help her up, her small bum resting on my lap.

"What are you drawing, Mama?" She asked quietly.

"My beautiful angels." I whispered into her head, showing her the sketches better before leaving a soft kiss on her hair.

"That's me!" She giggled a little loudly making me shush her.

"Hush, love. Don't wake your Appa." I said as she bounced in my lap excitedly, looking over the sketch of herself.

"Sorry!" She whisper yelled with a quiet giggle.

The bunny smile never left her face. She resembled Jungkook so much. It made me giggle back at her.

"You drew me, Mama!" She whispered, this time running her small fingers over her small portrait.

"I did, do you like it?" I asked as I held her closer to my chest.

"I love it! It looks just like me!" She whispered while pointing to herself.

"I'm glad!" I whispered into her ear as she leaned her small head back on my collar bone.

I continued to color the pictures as she watched quietly. She started to ask me things to add to her portrait like a "big, pink bow" and a "pet unicorn" beside her.

Rings of Fate * TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now