Bad Dream

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Taehyung's POV:

The rest of the day went perfectly. I was feeling a little homesick, but it wasn't enough to bring my mood down.

The girls were tired from their long day in the sun and so was everyone else. We all headed to bed around 10, ready for tomorrows activities.

I fell asleep in Jungkook's arms and I knew I had gotten attached to the feeling of sleeping next to him. He made me feel so safe and secure.

I fell asleep not thinking much of it...

I woke up in my bedroom. No Jungkook, no daughters, my young teenage face and body. My first thought was relief, but I couldn't believe I was truly back home.

I slowly stood from my bed. I was careful to look around. This was definitely my room.

"Jungkook?" I called. When I received no answer, I walked out of my room.

The same old house, familiar staircase, familiar scent, everything felt real.

Why would I have come back all of a sudden? Is Jungkook home too?

I walked down the stairs, I heard two voices, both familiar.

My heart started to race as I walked into the kitchen. There they were.

My beautiful parents.

"Appa?" I asked in disbelief.

It's not possible.

"Hello Taehyungie." He said with his signature smile.

I rushed towards him, burying myself in his arms. He was real. He was here. He was smiling. He was alive.

He held me so tightly, it was the exact comfort I had been missing for so many years.

It didn't last long, though. I suddenly felt my Appa going limp in my arms. My Eomma had wrapped her arms around my waist from behind to pull me away from him. I only held on tighter, refusing to let go. Eventually she separated us.

I saw my Appa's body thump on the ground when I let go. I saw his lifeless eyes staring into the sky as he lied beside the overturned car that I had ridden in so many times.

The memory of the crash replaying in my mind as I watch my Appa bleed all over the concrete. His usual warmth escaping his figure.

I screamed.


Why wasn't it me? Why was it Appa?

I need my Appa.

I bolted up in the bed, a long shriek leaving my lips as I darted my eyes around the somewhat familiar beach house bedroom.

Jungkook immediately sprung up beside me, his arms wrapping around my shaking figure as loud sobs left my mouth and fat tears escaped my eyes.

The more I thought of the image of my Appa on the ground the more I felt my chest tighten. I heard Jungkook's voice but I couldn't make out anything he was saying. I clutched onto his shirt tightly.

I pushed my head into his neck. He held my head with one hand, brushing his fingers in my hair to calm me down. He cradled my body with his other arm.

"Shhh. Calm down, baby." He whispered into my ear.

I cried harder, my breath still ragged.

"Focus on my breathing, love." He said gently before taking deep breaths for me to try to match.

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