Chicken Fight

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Taehyung POV:

I gasped and quickly stood up, whipping around at the unexpected slap.

I was met with a horrific sight of one of the men from earlier who were staring at me.

"Hey gorgeous. What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" He asked with a sly smirk, I wanted to throw up.

Before I could give a response, I heard a deep voice cutting through my shocked silence.

"He's trying to relax with his family. He doesn't need perverts like you touching what belongs to someone else." Jungkook's deep voice stated.

I blushed at his words, but nonetheless, I walked around to stand behind him. The man was making me nervous. I didn't want to be near him anymore.

"Relax dude. I'm sure he's had plenty of fun with other guys, what's one more?" He said with a chuckle making my stomach churn.

"I dare you to touch him again." Jungkook said in a calmer, deeper voice than before. It made shivers run down my spine.

"What are you? His bodyguard?" He asked with a mocking smile.

"I'm his husband, and you've royally pissed me off, made my wifey uncomfortable, and talked about him like he's some hoe that you think you deserve to touch. Well, let me tell you something. He is more intelligent, more talented, and much more beautiful than any of the lowlife people you have "fun" with who are probably all still better than you. So leave us alone before I do something I probably won't regret." Jungkook said in a scarily calm voice.

The man shivered a bit. He noticeably gulped before nodding.

"Fine. Whatever." He scoffed before rushing away from an extremely angry Jungkook.

Jungkook glared at him until he was out of sight. He quickly turned to me.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, his voice still deep and his eyes still dark and angry.

I only nodded because I was too shocked to say anything or move. I was shocked at what just happened. How that man touched me, how Jungkook responded, how he complimented me, how he protected me.

I was also a little scared of the dark aura emitting from Jungkook. He was mad.

Before I could process anything, Jungkook gripped my waist tightly. He lifted me from the ground effortlessly, holding me up by his arms tightly wrapped around my middle.

He walked up to the chairs. The hyungs, all having saw what just happened, looked at me with worry.

"Are you alright, Taehyungie?" Jin asked as Jungkook set me down.

I nodded but was lifted by Jungkook from behind this time.

He sat down in his chair again and this time brought me with him. I was sat in his lap, his arms still tightly wrapped around me. He shoved his face in my neck, most likely to try and calm himself down. He took deep breaths and I gently brought my hand up to rub his head to hopefully help relax him a little.

"What a creep." Jimin spat as he looked at the direction the man went away in.

I only looked down at Jungkook's arms around my waist. All I could think about was how good his arms felt around me. How good his touch was compared to the disgusting slap of that stranger. How safe he felt. All I could think about was how he never made me feel the way that pervert just did.

I smiled at how Jungkook stood up for me.

"I'm okay, just calm down." I whispered in Jungkook's ear.

"I'm trying, how can I relax when he touched you?" He growled in my neck.

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