Next Morning

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3rd Person POV:

The next morning, Jungkook woke up first with a bad headache. He felt Taehyung's slim arms wrapped around his shoulders, his face buried in Taehyung's neck. He snuggled closer into the warmth, closing his eyes to relieve his pounding head, letting out a groan unknowingly.

He inhaled deeply, taking in his "husbands" alluring scent. His groans and movements woke the sleeping Taehyung.

"Hey, how do you feel?" He asked, looking down at Jungkook with sleepy eyes.

"Head hurts." He mumbled in Taehyung's neck.

"You slept a long time, what made you pass out yesterday?" Taehyung asked quietly.

Jungkook only stared up at him, his eyes darting back and forth between Taehyung's.

"Ok, you don't have to tell me." Taehyung said with an assuring smile when he saw Jungkook's worried expression.

Jungkook pushed his face further into Taehyung's chest and neck after their small conversation. They laid like that for a while, Taehyung rubbed his bare back and gently scratched his scalp.

Jungkook ended up falling back asleep for a while, him feeling unbelievably tired. Taehyung, being under him, was stuck in bed that entire time.

Eventually, the girls woke up and were ready to start their third day at the beach.

"Mama!" Miso called. She waddled over to them after dropping from her bed.

"Good morning, baby." He said quietly.

"Daddy still sleeping?" Aerum asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, I know he slept a lot yesterday, but sometimes sleeping a lot can make you feel more tired after you wake up. He woke up an hour ago but was still sleepy, so he went back to sleep." Taehyung explained.

The girls nodded their heads in understanding.

Before Taehyung could say anything else, there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in!" Taehyung said quietly.

The door opened to reveal a smiling Hoseok.

"Good morning, everyone. Jungkook's still sleeping?" He asked.

"Good morning uncle Hobi! Daddy was still tired after he woke up, so he went back to sleep." Aerum explained with a big toothy smile, already walking up to the ball of sunshine.

"Oh yeah? Well, he an sleep as much as he needs. It looks like we will be inside today. The weather is supposed to be bad today." He explained as he picked up Miso who had gone to hug him after Aerum.

Both girls whined at the news.

"Nooo, don't let it upset you! Uncle Hobi will keep you entertained all day!" He cheered with them as they all left the room leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone.

"Bad weather?" Taehyung mumbled as he reached over to check the weather app on his futuristic phone.

He saw it was supposed to thunderstorm at 11 and end at 8 tonight. His heart dropped as he saw it.

Taehyung has never been a fan of rain. He didn't mind light showers every now and then, it rained a lot in Korea and sometimes he would go out and play in the rain, but he hated thunderstorms. The loud booms that rattled his house, the bright flashes of lightning that lit up his windows at night, the loud harsh patter of rain, none of it was soothing to him. It often led him to panic attacks.

He subconsciously held onto Jungkook's shoulders tighter as he looked at the forecast. This caused Jungkook to stir a bit.

He looked at Jungkook to distract himself from the weather. His mind wandering to Jimin's words from the night before.

Enjoy him.

Taehyung's eyes wandered to Jungkook's exposed upper arms and back. They flexed as they held Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung brought his fingers up to gently rub down Jungkook's bicep muscles. His pupils dilating at how attractive he was. Taehyung blushed as he felt them flex beneath his touch. His skin was smooth and pale.

Enjoy him.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's back, his hands going to trace his shoulder muscles. His mind wandered to dirty scenarios. Wondering what it would look like with his scratches littering the unblemished skin.

He was starting to understand what Jimin meant.

Enjoy him.

Taehyung could suddenly feel every part of Jungkook that he was touching. His senses heightening. He felt their legs intertwined. He felt his hands on his waist, slightly touching his bare skin. He started to feel hot.


His thoughts were cut short when Jungkook moved his head up to look at Taehyung. Taehyung, surprisingly, didn't panic. He just stared into Jungkook's eyes. A small blush crept to his cheeks as they stared at each other.

Jungkook had an uncomfortable expression on his face and Taehyung realized that Jungkook didn't feel well. He mentally scolded himself for thinking such things.

"Let's get up and get you some water and pain killers." Taehyung said gently, slowly sitting up with him.

Jungkook looked tired and drained.  When they both stood up he fell into Taehyung's chest.

"Koo... you alright?" Taehyung asked as he brought his arms up to hug his husbands upper body and head.

Jungkook only hummed a little as he pushed his face into Taehyung's neck.

"Let's go into the kitchen." He said and he pulled away from Jungkook and nudged him towards the door.

He kept his hand on his back to let him know he was there as they slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Daddy! You're awake!" Aerum yelled as they walked past the living room. Jungkook winced at her loud voice for a moment before smiling at her. She ran to his leg to hug him, and he returned the hug instantly, his hands just patting her upper back gently.

"Good morning, love." He mumbled.

"We will be in here with you guys in a bit, baby." Taehyung said to Aerum who nodded and ran off.

Taehyung's POV:

Jungkook and I made it to the kitchen, and he was acting very clingy. I went to get him water, as soon as I walked up to him, he slid his arms around my waist. He kept me close to him as he drank the water.

I handed him the pain killers and he took them with the rest of his water before placing the glass on the counter.

He immediately hugged me, his face going back into my neck, letting out a sigh. I just rubbed his back with one hand as my other put his glass in the sink.

"Let's go sit in the living room, Koo." I said.

He loosened his grip and let me walk in front, his hands staying on my waist from behind as we walked.

I sat down on the couch next to Yoongi and Jimin. Jungkook sat beside me, his head instantly found my shoulder. He kept one arm around my waist and the other over my thigh.

He closed his eyes again and I just giggled at his silliness. I noticed he still didn't have a shirt on.

"Are you cold, Kookie?" I asked in his ear, I saw his arm covered in goosebumps.

"No, don't go anywhere." He said in a tired mumble.

"I won't, love." I said in worry as I looked at his frown.

"Joonie Hyung? Can you pass me that blanket?" I asked Namjoon who was sitting by the blanket bin.

He threw me one of the fluffy ones. I draped it over Jungkook's shoulders and mine, making sure his upper body was covered well.

"Better?" I asked.

He only nodded, looking up at me with his big bambi eyes. I smiled at him and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

At some point, as we were sitting there, Miso made her way into our laps. We all sat in peace and watched a movie. The weather ruining our beach plans for the day, we turned to a movie marathon. Everyone got to pick a movie to watch as long as it was ok for the girls.

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