Chapter 55

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Hi guys thank you so much for all the love and all the comments on my last chapter. Without any further ado, here you have the next chapter.




I felt like I was awake but I couldn't open my eyes. You know that feeling, when you're asleep and try to wake up but it seems like you're just paralysed? Like you can't move, can't open your eyes, you're just a prisoner of your own body?

Well I was feeling like that, I wanted to scream but I just couldn't. The only thing I could do was to listen and smell. The smell was familiar but I couldn't for the life of me know from here I knew it, and everything was quiet, so that wouldn't be helping either. 

I felt alone and I honestly felt like I was going crazy? how long had I been here? Laying in this... bed? 

Then out of nowhere I started to listen to a beeping sound, it beeped every five seconds or so, it was kind of getting on my nerves honestly. 

I was trying to think straight and rationalise. It could be a bad dream, it could be that I really dreamed all my life with Harry and that now the aftershock of all of it being fake was making me loose all strength. It could be that I am just stuck between two realities and don't know how to get out of the state I am in. 

Being alone in your head is maddening, I knew that if I didn't get out of where I was I would soon stop fighting to get back to whatever reality awaited me. 

After what felt like hours and hours of being alone, of trying to clear my head, I felt something or more like someone. A wave of something, I would maybe call relief, washed over me. I wasn't dead and that was great news. The touch of the person was so soothing, I felt like a part of me was starting to wake up.

I thought I could hear, but it had been a while since the beeping sound had stoped and I never got the chance to hear someone talk to me, that was until now. I could hear a faint whisper, I couldn't make up the words the person was saying nor the tone of the voice, but it was still something.

I felt another touch, this one way more soft and small, at that moment my heart got filled with a strength I had forgotten about. I could hear a little clearer now, and I could hear sobs and cries. 

Why was someone crying, what's going on? I need to get out of this prison, I need to wake up. As the cries grow louder and clearer to me, I gather all the strength that I have to open my eyes.

Come on Ella, open your damn eyes, I can't just stay like that. I heard a commotion, and the beeping sound always so steady was going crazy. 

"Mommy" that's all I heard and instantly I shot my eyes open, the bright lights blinding me. 

"Oh my God Ella!" I saw my mom get out of her chair and run to me, sobbing. I looked around and I was in a hospital room.

"Mom." I said as she hugged me and I tried to hug back, I felt so much relief from being finally awake that I started to cry. 

I knew now that my reality was that all that had happened with Harry was a dream, and I had to be okay with that, who knew if I could make all my dream come true once back in England. 

We talked a little bit with mom, and as I was looking for tissues, I heard the door of the room open, I didn't look up as I knew my dad was coming.

"Hi dad." I said as I was trying to sit up not looking directly at the man at the door. 

"Love?" that voice, the chills it sent me, the thickness that filled the air, I looked up and there he was.

"Harry?" I said as tears started to stream down my face instantly, I couldn't believe it, he ran towards me and engulfed me in his arms, crying too.

"You're real! You're really here! It wasn't a dream!" I cried into his arms as he soothingly brushed my hair.

"You got us so worried, I love you so much." he said, not moving an inch. I could tell he was crying. 

"I love you too! I missed you so much. What happened?" I asked him, mom had gotten up to get a nurse and it was only Harry and I in the room. 

"You fainted at the tea party and you have been in a type of coma for the past two days. I thought I had lost you. When Kate called me and explained, my whole world fell apart. When you arrived at the hospital, I was here with you, I never left your side." he said kissing the top of my head. 

"I thought, I had lost you. I had a dream that I had woken up in my parents house in France all those years ago and that you and me and all our life had never happened. it was horrible, I thought that I had lost you forever, I couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't." I said starting to sob again, as he was trying to comfort me.

"It's okay love, I am here, we all are. The twins missed you so much." He said hugging me tightly.

"How are the twins? Was anyone here? I felt like Rose was calling me and I heard her voice and tiny touch. I think it was what made me wake up." I told him honestly, and he softly touched my hair. 

"She was here indeed, Kate just came to pick her up since it's already dark out. The kids have been spending the last two days at my brother's house. Rose really wanted to come, I didn't want them to see you like that but I understood how much they missed their mommy." he said kissing the top of my hair. My poor babies, two days felt so much longer. 

"God I am so relived to be here with you and that all this wasn't a dream. I cannot wait to go home and relax with you and the kids, I miss my babies. And I missed you so much my love." I said to him, and he smiled, slowly reaching my lips and kissing me softly, making butterflies fly around in my stomach, once again proving me that it was all real. 

Once we were all calmed down, the nurse came in and did a full checkup on me. They had said that mental exhaustion had caused me to just shut down, and they asked me to stop all activities and royal duties for at least two weeks. So I could rest and take care of my health. They also said that twice a week I was to follow a treatment, and a nurse would come to our house. As soon as they were done giving me all the explanations and details about my treatment, they discharged me and we were finally able to come home. 

To get out of that hospital bed was amazing. It did take me some time to get back on my feet, but I had my amazing husband by my side. He had brought me my sweatpants and one of his hoodies and just the smell of him on the hoody could make me cry of how good it made me feel.

We went to the underground parking and with a police escort went on our way to our house. Harry never took his hand off of mine, making small circles with his thumb. 

I took a deep breath and saw the rain outside and a warmth spread through my whole body.

God it felt great to be home, to have my husband next to me and to know that all of this was true and real. 

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