Chapter 32

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We arrive and Terence stepped out of the car, my dad going out first waiting for me. The crowd keeps on cheering and screaming, Terence glances over my window and give me a nod signaling me he's going to open the door and it's finally time. I take a deep breath look over at Terence and he instantly opens the door.

I step out of the car and I see Amal coming my way, she's wearing a beautiful grey/white silky dress, a bit like Pipa's at Kate's wedding. She comes over to me and take my long train, then comes Charlotte and some other page girls and page boys I turn around and wave at the crowd, I lock arms with my dad and wait to enter the ceremony room.

I enter and instantly everybody turns around besides Harry, tho William being his best man looks at me smiling and whispers something in Harry's ear, I look around and everything is beautifully decorated, there's white roses everywhere. I start to see celebrities, like the Beckham family, Elton John, and so many others. 

There were more and more famous people but I had to concentrate on my speech and on trying not to fall. The more I walk down the aisle the more I start to see Harry's family, like his cousins, his uncles, then there was Kate, I see Camilla from afar but I don't really pay attention to her, then I see my mom and the Queen, her husband and Charles, they all three were smiling at me.

Finally I am in front of Harry, he turns while I give a kiss at my dad, trying to hold a tear from rolling slowly down my cheek. Harry is looking right in my eyes, then looks away and looks back at me, takes my vail and pushes it back revealing my face, my eyes already full of tears. He looks so happy, he smiled then a tear rolls down his cheek, he leans in and says,

"You look Amazing!" with a shaking voice.

"You look Amazing too." I smile.

We turn to face and start the ceremony, after a while there was the part I was dreading the most.

"I, Eleanor Diana Porter, take you, Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death." I breath out those words, and I can finally breath again and sight quietly in relief that this part is over ,now it was Harry's turn.

"I, Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, take you, Eleanor Diana Porter, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death." As I hear Harry say those words I can't help but let a tear slide down. It was amazing to hear him say that and I knew that now only death would do us part.  

Now was time to exchange the rings. William gives Harry a small box and takes out two beautiful rings and he says,

"With this ring I thee wed and with all I am and all I have, I honor you." he puts the ring on my ring finger and I can't help but smile so much, then I take one ring and say,

"With this ring I thee wed and with all I am and all I have, I honor you." I put the ring on his ring finger.

"I declare you know, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Harry put his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him and kisses me passionately.

We turn to look at everybody and they are all smiling and cheering, then we start to walk, saying hello from afar to our guests and as we walk towards the two big doors they open up to a happy country. We stepped out to go out in the carriage as wave and greet the people.

This is for sure the best day of my life!

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