Chapter 22

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I woke up in the cinema room, a sleeping Harry by my side, I was happy, I could feel his heart beating. I snuggled more into his chest, I was so comfy I was feeling amazing in his arms.

But I couldn't sleep anymore so I sneaked out of the cinema room and went upstairs, as soon as I was upstairs I looked outside and everything was white everything was covered in snow, it looked magical. There is no other word to describe snow, it's simply beautiful and magical.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I made chocolate chip pancakes, I made waffles, took the maple sirup out of the fridge, took Nutella and made some eggs and bacon. I squeezed some oranges to make an homemade orange juice. I putted everything on a tray and was about to take it downstairs when I hear someone come up the stairs and since there's only me and Harry home, I figured it was Harry. Duhhhhhhh....

"Good morning beautiful." he said kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"Good morning baby." I said hugging him tightly,

"I was about to bring you this tray downstairs but you beat me to it." I said smiling and slightly disappointed.

"Oh I'm sorry, you look disappointed, do you want me to go back downstairs?" he said sadly but still managing to smile slightly.

"Oh love don't feel bad please, I'm fine I just wanted to surprise you." I said waving my hand in front of the tray.

"But it's fine we can eat it upstairs or downstairs or here on on the sofa you choose." I said smiling and hugging him.

"Hmmmm, what about in the cinema room and watch a movie and just stay there all day?" he said hugging me back and kissing me softly.

"I say it's a good idea." I said smiling and kissing back, he took his tray and I took mine we went downstairs, sat on the big couch and he decided to make a Star Wars marathon, I didn't fight his choice because I'm a huge fan.

We were laying there feeling like two big balloons full of food, when the doorbell rang, I jogged upstairs just to see Terence my chauffeur from yesterday night.

"Good morning Miss, I'm just dropping these off for the Prince." he said.

"Oh thank you Terence, may I offer you a coffee or a hot chocolate?" I asked opening more the door.

"Oh thank you but I really have to go; maybe next time Miss." he said thanking me I could clearly see he was cold so I said,

"Wait one second." I rushed inside took two take-out cups and poured hot coffee in one and hot chocolate in the other, I rushed back to the door and handed him the two beverages.

"Oh Miss thank you so much, you're too kind, thank you, God bless you." he said, I could see he was a bit moved by my gesture.

"You're so welcome, thank you for the amazing job you do." I smiled, he smiled back he went to his car and drove off. As soon as I closed the door I rushed to the stairs, but Harry wasn't there.

"Harry? Where are you?" I asked a bit worried.

"Well, I thought you'd take longer I'm in the bathroom I'm making.....unicorns and butterflies." I could hear he was embarrassed, I laughed quietly so he wouldn't feel shame.

"It's okay hunney, no worries I'm going upstairs your things are on the couch." I said leaving the room and hearing him say,

"You're an angel, I love you." and I screamed 'I love you too' back while going up the stairs .

I was now on the couch, I had made a fire in the chimney, I was now on my phone on Instagram.I could see pictures of me when I went shopping with my mom and Amal, there were some pictures of the Grand Opening, and some pictures of Harry with one tall blonde and they looked pretty close. I started to feel nervous but I tried not to think about it. There was some hate towards me but there was overall lots of love. I could see some comments like,

"How can Harry do this to Ella, the blonde is not even that pretty." tears started forming in my eyes I couldn't process all this.

He came upstairs, I didn't want to attack him with questions, there must have had a good explanation to all this, I couldn't and wouldn't handle to live the life Diana had with having Camilla in the background.

"Hey love." he said while popping down on the couch, I kept silent.

"Babe, what's wrong , what are you looking at?" he said while I kept silent and showed him my phone with the picture of him and the blonde girl. He for once was speechless.

"Please, just please, explain it to me and if you don't want to then just leave I'm not your mom, she knew how to live with Camilla's shadow, I'm not like that, I won't be able to live knowing I'm not the one for you." I said trying to sound as calm as possible and trying hard not to cry.

"Ella, I swear I don't have any kind of relationship with this woman if not professional relationship." he said, with the most truthful voice.

"Never, and I swear that never I will do what my dad did to my mom with Camilla to you! That is no way to treat the love of your life." He said now tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you and I swear to God, that I only love you, I only have you, I only want you, there's nobody else, and there will never be anybody else." he said squeezing my hands, I was trusting every words, but I was so afraid, I already lived that, I don't want to even think that what I suffered before could happen again.

"Honestly I want to trust you and I do, but please, pretty please, if you don't want me don't make it look like it, don't hurt me, don't cheat on me, don't cause me any arm, I've been cheating on a while back and I don't want to feel that feeling ever again!" I said sobbing which caused him to cry and finally a tear slid down on my face.

"Baby, I swear to God, I swear on everything I have that I will never cheat on you, I will never do a single thing to arm you please believe me, I love YOU!!" he said, saying the last part by cupping my face in his hands and kissing me.

"I trust you, I trust you, just don't hurt me, I love you." I said a last tear rolling down.

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