Chapter 38

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Those two week went by way too fast. Between eating delicious food, to sunbathing, snorkelling to see the beautiful colours of the corals. Our honeymoon has been the most relaxing thing ever, we called mom and dad once or twice per week then William and Kate then Charles.

We were full of energy and I can say I am super ready to start my new life. We were packing ready to go back to England. We said our goodbyes to the marvellous team that took care of us during this amazing holiday and made our way to the little boat that would bring us to the main island, on which we would take the plane.

"I'm sad to leave! But I am really happy I got the chance to experience this with you" I said resting my head on his shoulder and looking at the water and the little splash it did because of the boat.

"Aw baby, who knows maybe we will be back for our one year anniversary." I smiled and kissed the top of my head.

We then arrived on the main island and our car was already waiting for us, we got in and it immediately took us to the jet. Once inside I sat down and looked outside the airplane window.

"Your Royal Highnesses we will now take off, please fasten your seatbelts." the pilot said through the microphone. The take off had always been my favourite part, it goes really fast and to go up in the air is the most amazing feeling, because everything back down gets more and more tiny.

Then something caught my eye, a newspaper, with big red letters on the cover "PRINCE ANDREW TV BOMBSHELL" and under that a picture of the Duke of York with white letters saying, "NO SWEAT...AND NO REGRET" was the hell was that about.

"Hey babe, do you want to watch a movie?" he asked as I hid quickly the newspaper.

"Are you okay?" he looked at me with a funny smile.

"Yes I'm fine." I laughed nervously. Why did mom or dad not say anything about it, I thought to myself.

As soon as Harry was asleep in front of the movie I called a flight attendant and asked her to hide all the newspaper that talked about Harry's uncle. Once we would get back to England I am sure we'll have lots of work. Then I thought, poor Queen Elizabeth, she must be in such a state of shock. I handed the newspapers to her and then she went on to hide them somewhere.

I leaned my chair back and continued to watch the movie and caress Harry's hair slowly, I wasn't really watching, I had too many thoughts in my head to pay attention to anything else.

How was I going to tell Harry? To hide the newspaper didn't seem like a good idea anymore, he would eventually think that I wanted to hide it from him, and he probably wouldn't think it was for his best. Then he woke up slowly and when he talked snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, tell me, I can handle it, what is wrong? You have your concern face on, and don't tell me it's nothing, okay?" he said sitting up, how could I even try to lie or hide the truth, this man knew me way better than I knew myself.

"Okay well, first I didn't want to hide it from you, I just didn't want you to see until we arrived, our honeymoon's been so perfect I didn't want to ruin it." I said to him while going to get the newspaper where the stewardess left it. I walked back to my sit and handed him the  newspaper. After a long silence he said, "WHAT?!"

---------after reading some of the newspaper----------

"How is that even possible?" he asked while getting up angrily, I looked at him blankly, was he taking his uncle's defence?

"What do you mean?" I asked intrigued.

"Out of all my uncles, uncle Andrew has been an amazing uncle, and when mom died he was always there to sheer us up." he said sitting down looking at his hands.

"So you don't believe her?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I mean, I always saw him as the rebel of the family a bit like me, he always seemed like he understood me, but for some reason I can't help but feel like he's lying, I feel like he's someone who would actually do that, without even thinking it through maybe he slept with her but maybe he didn't know her age, I don't know, maybe he knew all along and thought that being a Prince would help him. What a mess, why did he need to speak publicly? He should've stayed quiet." he said, and I was following him all along but not the last part.

"So what, he should stay silent for the past mistake he's made? He should've acted as if the woman was crazy and it never happened? I do not agree, one thing my parents thought me is to take responsibility for my actions. If I ever had done something wrong, tough for me I had to face the consequences, no statue or titles should excuse any type of misbehaviour. Now I follow you on the publicly part, he could've done it with lawyers and the woman, and didn't need to do it like that on national television, but let's be honest, he's never been the brightest, he's never been the most altruist men. Fortunately he had the chance to have two wonderful girls who turned into amazing women, but I ain't saying it's because of him." I said raising an eyebrow.

"What if it was, I don't know, someone else, and that the woman has picture proof that they knew each other and that you'd see that they were kinda glued together in a picture, how would you react? Would you then believe her?" I asked trying to get him to see my point.

"For sure I would! I understand what you are saying, but when it's in your own family you don't want to believe it. How am I supposed to look at him in the eyes, or even talk or be in the same room as a man who did such things. I mean I was rebel but I never went this far." I leaned against him and put my head on his shoulder as he was talking.

"And what about Beatrice and Eugenie? They were still pretty young when that happened, if it happened. How can you react to some things like that about your own father?" he said as I heard him struggle not to cry.

"I don't know hun. but what I know is that they will need us, they will need their family, love support, I think growing up in your shadows must've been hard enough, they need us." I said to him as I kissed his cheek.

"And what about auntie Fergie, I don't know how she must've take it." he said looking out the window.

"Well from what I read page 23, she supports him no matter what, so I don't know how to feel about that." I said.

"Poor Grandma, at least we are coming back and we will be there to help and do anything if she asks us to." he said taking my hand and sitting in the back of his chair.

"Yes don't worry we will be there, we can even move in Buckingham for a while if you want to be closer to your Grandma." I said sitting in the back of my chair too but never letting go of his hand. We ended the discussion by both sighing, we didn't know what was waiting for us back home, but ready or not we had to dive right in the middle of all this drama.

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