Chapter 49

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In the following months, everything changed and it felt like everything would get worse and worse. Covid-19 hit the whole world pretty hard and being pregnant in this rough time was building anxiety in me at each day that passed by.

I was almost at the end of my pregnancy, I was feeling good but slightly nervous. I had planned to have Harry by my side when I would be in labor but due to covid restrictions this wouldn't be possible. Only me the doctor and the nurse would be able to be in the same room when I will give birth.

I didn't want to know the sex of the baby and anyway since the death of Prince Mountbatten our hearts weren't really into partying and celebrating.

So we choose not to know the gender of our precious baby until the birth, for the room we choose beige and light cream for the walls and also for everything like pajamas and all the accessories, since that kind of color fits both.

Today at 5am i woke up with a lot of pain on my lower belly, I immediately woke Harry up and phoned the doctor for him to come immediately and see if everything was okay with me.

He arrived at 5.30am the pain had slightly gone away but still i wasn't feeling really well,

"Your Highness, the baby is doing just fine, I think the work started and someone wants to come out." he said with a smile on his face, which I sighed in relief at his words. 

"We have prepared a room in the house for you, which has been cleaned four times and is all ready for you, I think we all agree this is the best option, since going to the hospital isn't really safe anymore." 

"I agree! We need to protect both of them at all costs." Harry said stroking my hair gently, and looking down at me, as i smile nervously to him.

I aways wanted to have a baby, but I was always nervous about the labor and giving birth. So to say my nerves were getting the best of me was an understatement. 

I hadn't seen my parents in almost two months, and Amal was stuck in our apartment back in College, she was having online classes and for all I knew she was all alone in the apartment and I really wished she would have been here with me, she would've known how to calm me down.

I went back to bed and Harry was rubbing my back gently as I was feeling contractions hit me.

I couldn't help but wonder if I will be able to protect the baby as much as possible from the virus and all the bad things happening outside.

I was snapped out of my thought when Harry cleared his throat, still rubbing my back,          "What about we choose names for our baby. We will choose a boys name and a girl's name." I smiled at his words, after all we were going to have a perfect little boy or little girl and I couldn't be happier about it, nothing else mattered at this point.

So we went on for a bit, I took a piece of paper and we wrote down some names and the time passed by pretty quickly.

But just then when I thought all the pain had gone and sharp pain hit me causing me to let out a scream, I couldn't feel my back anymore, tears forming in my eyes, the pain was too intense, it felt like I couldn't hear anything that was happening around me anymore, I just saw the doctor running towards me and I guess the pain got the best of me because suddenly everything went pitch black and my last thought was... my baby.

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