Chapter 12

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"ATCHOUMMMMMM!!" I sneezed, gosh this cold.

"That's what happens when you come home soaking wet from running." said my mom putting a blanket on me, and giving me a hot chocolate.

"Thanks mum!" I said as I put my blanket up to my head.

Two days has passed by since the Grand Opening, and I was now sick, me and Harry have been talking a bit everyday but with all his obligations it's hard to talk all the time or even talk for 10 minutes straight. Yesterday night I was feeling a bit sick and today I'm burning with fever and I have headaches.

"Ella? Can I borrow your Birkin bag?" asked Amal.

"Of course you can, but be careful eh?!" I said to her, "by the way, where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm going out for coffee with John, remember? From the Grand Opening?" she smiling widely, hmmmm I'm not happy with this idea but well...

"Oh nice, have fun hunn, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I screamed while she was going out the door screaming 'Love You'. Oh well, it's going to be me, mom and dad and Netflix.

"Baby Bella, me and your dad are going house hunting for the  day, don't wait on us, if you need anything call the room service and if you don't feel good at all you can just call us okay?" mom said, oh  well it's only gonna be me then...

"Okay mommy, have fun send me pics of the houses okay?" I said smiling a bit, I love house hunting I really would like to go, but ohhhhh well... . They went out and I was in the big suite alone all by myself, I felt my belly growling with hunger.

"What time is it?" I asked myself for clearly nobody, 11:30 in the morning, well there's no right hour to eat right? I took the room service menu and looked at the sweets they had, pancakes, waffles, fruits with chocolates, hmmm, I'll take it all. I called the room service and they said they'll bring the food in 10 mins or so... ohhh how I'll miss having room service, I laughed to myself. Right then my phone buzzed.

(The chapter will now turn as a text messages conversation, enjoy 😊 )

Harry: Good Morning Ella!

I flinched, YAY he's texting me!!!!

Me: Good Morning Your Highness

I laughed typing this, because I know he doesn't like that.

H: Ella...please..

E: Sorry sorry it's just too funny sorry,

E:...Your Highness hahha

E: Okay okay I'm done sorry

H: Hahah no worries, I'm happy to make you laugh.

H: So I was thinking...Are you doing something today?

E: Ohhhh well...I am laying in my couch, I'm sick, I caught a cold :(

H: Oh no, I'm sorry! Can I do something for you?

E: It's okay I guess...and no I don't think so besides maybe bringing me Mcdonalds and Chocolates haha just kidding of course.

H: Hhaha, well I could do that!

E: No no I was only kidding don't bother yourself and don't spend money or your health coming here I may be contagious.

H: Well, I'll leave you rest then okay?

E: Okay, thank you Harry and thank you for checking on me hah ;)

H: No problem! Talk to you later?

E: Yes of course! Whenever you want Harry!

H: Good, see you later Ella Bella xx :)

E: See you..xx

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