Chapter 39

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One foot on the floor and we jumped right in our car. As I turned the data of my phone on I had all these notifications, of some newspapers, some texts and even some missed calls. First thing we did was call out parents to let them know that we had arrived, and the first thing Charles told us was to get to Buckingham as soon as possible.

Never have I ever been in a car going this fast before. The police was surrounding our car and leading us full speed to Buckingham. The ride from the airport to the Palace never was this fast. As Harry took my hand I could feel he was nervous. What was going to happen? Neither one of us knew, but some major family drama was about to go down.

As we stepped out of the car, we had to wave and smile for the cameras and the people outside the gates. We then quickly went inside that's when everything went crazy, a butler guided us in the most running like manner, and we weren't smiling anymore.

When we entered in the tea room, everybody was there, the whole family, even the corgis were there. It literally looked like one of those series, when at the end of the episode they gather all the suspects and all the members of the family and finally say who is the murderer. We entered the room and all eyes were on us, until some of them smiled and greeted us for being back. I went to say hello to the queen but she didn't look okay, even tho she tried to smile and said "Hello my dear." as I kissed her cheek.

"So, now that everyone is here, I think we should all talk as a family about the recent events, and drama going on. I'd like to start by wishing the newly weds a good and happy marriage, may it be as long lasting as mine and Philip." we smiled politely to the Queen not interrupting her as Harry puts his arm around my waist.

"Now let's get to the heart if the subject. As you may all know by now, with all the newspaper and the television spots about it, Prince Andrew here decided to clear his name by making a night interview on television for the BBC. As you all could see it didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. As a mother I am deeply saddened by all that is happening and like all mothers I would like to trust my son's word, but unfortunately I leaned since my first day on the throne, that the crown is first and foremost the priority. So I am asking my son Charles and my grandson William, to come with me and guide me to what shall be the best way to get things done. Your counselling will be greatly appreciated. As for the rest of you I intend to talk with every one of you to get your point of view on things and to get to spend time together." We all nodded and I couldn't help but notice how the princesses were feeling. I went on and took Eugenie and Beatrice in my arms.

"My darlings, Beatrice, Eugenie," the Queen started looking at them while they were crying, "I invite you to stay with me here at Buckingham, I think we all need support and to be together in this difficult time, and I think spend some tome apart of your father couldn't do you any wrong." she said shooting a death glare at her son, which looked awful by the way standing in the corner with Fergie."

-------------------------later that day in the kitchen of the palace-------------------------

I entered the kitchen of the palace because all this made me so hungry. The staff looked horrified and right away someone came to gently tell me that it was not my place to be in the kitchen. I told them it was fine and I just sat down at a counter and looked at everybody, some were cooking, some were cleaning and some were maids and butlers who were on a break.

"Oh sorry miss." said a maid who sat beside me but then got up really quickly.

"No, no please, sit, it's fine, it's your break after all." I smiled to them and then they all came and sat at the counter I was. The chef kindly putted a plate in front of me, some scrambles eggs, some toasts with butter on them, bacon on the side and a glass of ice tea. I thanked the cook and then turned to everybody at the counter.

"So, how would you describe working in the palace and more precisely working for the Royal Family? " I asked them.

"It's really nice Ma'am, we have a lot of work but it's really rewarding." Said a young woman, she didn't look older than me and her name was Clara. In everybody's answers I could see they were really dedicated, they all loved very much the royal family.

"I once had the opportunity to be saved by Prince Harry." one said, her name was Elizabeth just like the Queen and she was 54 years old, she works in the palace since she's 20.

"Oh really , that must be an interesting story." I said looking at her smiling.

"Well it's not much really, it's just one day I was doing the floors and her Majesty's dog came and I didn't see them and I fell on my butt in the middle of the Grand Hall and Prince Harry was passing by and helped me get up and even called the doctor for me. That was a lovely gesture because afterwards for two weeks he kept on coming to see me and make sure I was alright." she said remembering, I felt proud of Harry, proud of the man I married because he wasn't stuck up or he never felt like he was better than anyone else. He was just Harry and I loved him for that.

After talking some more with them and eating the best scrambled eggs ever I went back upstairs and met Kate, Harry wasn't called to be with his Grandma, dad and brother but last minute she called him too, so that's why I was wandering around the palace. Me and Kate kept on talking and both decided we would break the rules and do one thing for Beatrice and Eugenie. Go shopping.

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