Chapter 27

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We were sitting on the biggest couch of the room, the interviewer was sitting right in front of us, and he was telling us and explaining us how it was going to be and what kind of questions he was going to ask. He then looked over at the Cameraman and he held his hand in the air signaling us that he was now filming.

"Good morning, we are here this morning with one amazing news, Prince Harry and Ella Diana Porter are engaged, people could say everything went a bit fast how would you respond to that Prince Harry?" asked the interviewer, I held onto his hand tightly, he looked over to me and started to reply.

"Well, Grandma always told me that when it'll be the one I would know it and when I first met Ella, I knew it was her, of course I didn't want to be too upfront and to ask her to marry me right away, so I waited which made us know each other more and more and love each other more and more and so for me last night at the ball, was the perfect moment, our families were all together, I mean why wait more when you know it's the one, right?" he asked making me laugh and blush at the same time, which cause me to look down for a minute.

"Oh I see, well everybody wants to congratulate you for this amazing and happy event. Now, people often ask, Ella Diana Porter, as in Diana, Princess Diana?" he asked.

"Well, yes, my parents loved her very much and as I grew up I got to see what an amazing woman she was and I grew with the idea that it was a privilege to have her name." I said smiling.

"Does it mean that maybe in a way you'll pick up where she left off or the name is just a coincidence?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I definitely want to be a role model like she was, I want to be the Princess of the people and for the people, I'm just a normal woman like she was, she was an amazing human being and I want to be just like her, not copy her but be the person she'd want me to be for her son and for the people she dearly loved, so definitely want to pick up where she left of as you said." I said smiling.

"Well, everybody will be happy to hear that, in the streets I've witnessed people saying they love you already, even though it wasn't really official yet. They see Diana in you and you've brought back the faith they had when Diana was amongst us." he smiled and I was genuinely happy to hear it.

"Well I'm really happy to know that, and I just want to make sure everybody knows I don't want to copy her but I genuinely want to help the way she did and bring closure between the Royal family and the beloved people of this country." I smiled and looked over at Harry who was smiling too.

"Well, now Prince Harry, I have quiet of a sad sentimental question, how do you feel knowing that the first woman of your life, being your mom, won't be there at your wedding?" he asked. I felt Harry being sad for a second because I felt his hand squeeze mine.

"Well, everyday I miss her, in everything that I do I miss her, of course not having her physically at our wedding is going to be hard but I know she'll be present, in our hearts in everything that me and Ella will do, she will be present." he said looking over at me.

"Well, I can talk for the whole country when I say we adored your mother, we absolutely look forward for your wedding and your steps Miss Porter in the Royal family and duties." he said then turned back to the Camera.

"England this is all for today, we will keep you posted about this lovely Royal couple. Have a nice day, see you tomorrow." he said then the cameraman raised his hand signaling us that we were off air, and I let out a relieved sight.

"Thank you very much for this interview, I wish you all the best." the interviewer said shaking both our hands and leaving the room with the whole crew.

I turned around and looked at my ring, I smiled, I was happy, I was marrying for love, I was marrying the love of my life, I was going to pick up where Diana left off and I was going to be the Princess of the people.


Sorry for being so late at updating, I've been really occupied, now I'm sick so I have the time to update and maybe come up with more chapters, please Dm me what you'd like me to talk about, a situation, something, if you want something more just tell me and I'll try to see what I can do.

Lots of love.

Ceph xx

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