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Bradley laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. He had woken up earlier than he had to and all he could think about was Sydney. Some times Maverick would cross his mind as he grew angry, but he quickly shook it off. All he wanted to know was what actually went down with Hangman. Not just the story he had been told.

After looking over at the time on his phone he noticed it was around 6 so he figured he would get up and make some breakfast. Enough for him and Sydney. Maybe a peace offering would work. Hell she had tried on their first night together again and he brushed it off. They had been cordial but he wanted to be friends again.

As he stood at the stove making eggs, he hummed along to the tune of Great Balls of Fire. Once the toast popped he put it on a plate and walked over to Sydney's. One knock and a few moments later she was opening the door, still in her clothes from the night before with her hair in a messy bun. He laughed to himself as he took in every stray piece of hair that was poking out of her head. "Rooster." Sydney was kind of surprised to see him at her doorstep.

"I made breakfast." He extended the plate that had enough for the both of them. She opened the door wider to invite him in and motioned toward the table.

"I was making coffee if you're up for it." Sydney offered still not sure of his motive as to why he was in her place before they even left for their training. He joined her in the kitchen and made his coffee to his liking before sitting down at the table again. They sat in silence for a bit and shared occasional glances. "Okay, why are you here Rooster?"

"I can't just bring my best friend breakfast?" Sydney scoffed at the title he had bestowed upon her once more.

"Now there's something you haven't called me in a while." she cleared her plate and stood in the door way. "Why are you really here?" she didn't wait for his response before making her way into her room to get dressed for the day.

"I wanted to ask you about the whole Hangman thing-" He had followed her to the doorway where he politely waited outside the closed door.

"I'm not talking to you about this." Sydney walked out of her room with her hair freshly brushed down as it hung passed her shoulders. She had to quickly tie it up as neat as possible to keep it out of her face.

"Why not?" Bradley looked over to the time on the tv box then to Sydney as she brushed over the top one more time to catch any fly aways. He smiled as he watched her tongue stick out a little bit as she focused. It was one of her quirks that he liked.

"Because, we've already had this conversation." She grabbed her things and headed toward the door, holding it open for him to walk out first. They drove separately but Rooster caught up to her after parking.

"I racked my brain the whole ride over here and I don't remember that conversation."

"That's because you never wrote back." Sydney remembered all of the letters she had sent him. 30 to be exact before she realized she was never going to get a response. Then Bradley remembered the pile of letters he had in his bag. He hadn't opened a single one since he left.

Their conversation ended when they walked into the room with everyone else. Phoenix raised a brow at the pair of them arriving together but Sydney brushed it off and took her spot next to Hangman.

"Arrived with Rooster, did ya?" Hangman whispered from his spot next to her. Sydney glared in his direction. She didn't want to talk to him about her relationship, or lack there of, with Rooster. Their relationship was in shambles because Hangman couldn't keep his mouth shut about anything that even remotely involved him. He always had to stick his nose in everyone's business, no matter what. After she didn't respond, he stopped egging on the question and waited for Maverick to arrive. They were supposed to go over the parameters of the mission this morning.

𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐔𝐒𝐀 [𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now