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"Dagger 1 has been hit. I repeat Dagger 1 has been hit."

Sydney heard the call come through the radio and froze. Maverick had been hit and suddenly everything was moving in slow motion. She watched as Hangman picked up his mask to request to fly air support but was denied.

So they sat and listened through the comms as their friends were being shot at by enemy SAMs. Sydney knew this would take a toll on Rooster. She hated having to hear everything go down through the radio. It was something she was supposed to be present for.

"Dagger 2, respond." one of the mission leaders demanded through the radio. Sydney looked up and over to Hangman who was already looking at her. They both knew that wasn't a good sign.

"Spare 2 requesting to fly air support." Sydney spoke as calmly as possible into her mask. She wasn't going to lose Maverick and Rooster in one foul swoop.

"Request denied Spare 2."

Sydney sat and waited for what felt like forever but it was only minutes. Soon enough Phoenix and Bob and Payback and Fanboy were on the carrier. No one left their air craft though. They sat quiet and ready incase they were needed again. Sydney looked over to where her friend had sat, both trying their best to keep themselves together. Everything that had happened seemed so small now. Neither would be okay if something happened to Rooster.

"Spare 1, engage." They heard after 3 more minutes of silence. Hangman looked over to Sydney one last time as he made his way down the runway and was off into the sky. She sat, awaiting her command. It followed only 30 seconds after he took off.

"Spare 2, engage." Sydney got situated as quickly as possible to allow her ample time to get in the air and engage in the fight. Phoenix drew in a breath watching her best friend take the skies without her as a wingman. And with Hangman, of all people, the one to look out for her.

"Hangman, how far out are you?" She spoke through her radio.

"5 miles, cowgirl." Sydney could hear the smirk in his voice. As she grew closer she saw the ancient enemy F-14 fighting. Hangman had just hit the enemy aircraft with a missile, gaining Maverick and Rooster's attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your savior speaking." Hangman begun his cocky 'I just saved your life' speech. Sydney found herself above him, she had her eyes peeled for any other enemy aircraft. After all, the first two were together. So where was this ones wingman?

Then she heard it. The tone. The 'I might die' tone.

"Cowgirl, where is it?" the mention of the girl had Rooster's head perk up. He looked above him and saw her break right.

"He's behind me. I shook him but he caught up already." she did every maneuver she could think of to get him off of her.

"Alright, hard break and I'll pull in front. Once I have him on me, get the tone and fire." Hangman explained, he needed this. They all needed this if they wanted to get home safely.

So Sydney dropped and hit the brake hard. The enemy aircraft flew over her and directly behind Hangman. He soon heard the tone and was praying Sydney took the shot. He was depending on her to take it. "I almost got him." she moved a little bit more and once the tone set for him, she fired. The other guy was so busy with trying to shoot down Jake that Sydney managed to get him down and out.

"Alright kids, let's go home." Maverick spoke with a sigh of relief as they grew closer to the ship. Hangman and Cowgirl landed safely as Maverick and Rooster buzzed the tower as they circled back around to allow the crew time to prepare the landing net to land without their front wheel.

Sydney got out and ran behind her air craft to Jake. He saw her as he was climbing out of his. Before any words could be exchanged, she wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you." she whispered to him. It was almost impossible to hear on the loud runway, but he did.

"Of course, Cowgirl." he yelled once they were apart coupling it with his signature smile and wink. He noticed Maverick and Rooster getting out of the museum piece that they had flown in on. "Go." he urged her. He wasn't going to be too far behind.

Sydney looked to make sure her path was clear before jogging over to the now surrounded duo. She pushed through to get to her best friend. "Rooster!" she called out, trying to gain some kind of attention.  "Bradley!" she tried again. "Brad!" he finally whipped his head around in her direction. He broke himself away from Maverick in the center.

"Hey-" she began but he just pulled her in for a hug. Rooster hugged her so tight she could barely breathe. "Don't do something stupid like that again." she said as they held each other for a second longer.

"C'mon Cowgirl, you care?" he joked with her knowing they both just had the scariest moment of their lives. Both didn't know whether or not they'd see each other again. Sydney rolled her eyes at the statement and hugged him once more.

"We still need to have that talk." She replied walking away from him with a smile on her face. She needed a shower, some food, a nap, then they could talk. Preferably in that order.

Sydney's polaroids-

Sydney's polaroids-

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