1 || Kidnapped

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There was nowhere more interesting than a large public library for someone who is so thirsty for knowledge. Two friends met there, and ever since then they made sure to examine each row of books for something interesting.

Sometimes one of them would stray too deep into the library, and it would be nearly impossible for the other to find them until they reemerge. Sometimes they do leave without the other, but it was just how they were. They knew what it was like to be so engrossed.

Aubrey watched his redheaded friend, Val, gesture at the opposite side of the library informing him that this is where she'd want to go. Giving her a wave, he went on his way to the far back of the library where he was hoping that he'd find something of interest.

There was nothing unusual about it, they've done this many times, and even when he stood in the dimmer part of the library where it smelled more prominently of dust and old books, Aubrey didn't feel nervous. Not even when everything became suddenly quiet as if he accidently went into another realm.

It was all quite relaxing to him, but sadly he found himself growing disappointed with each passing minute the more titles he read.

"Nothing." He huffed in disappointment as he crossed his arms.

None of the books caught his attention. They were all about topics he had no interest in, or ones he already knew a lot about. Being an avid reader can sometimes have its own downsides when one runs out of things to read, and Aubrey found himself unable to find anything.

It almost made him want to turn around and leave, but he still had a sliver of hope that maybe – if he looked hard enough – he'd find something.

But then an old black tattered book caught his interest. It had no title and the name of the author wasn't anywhere on display. It made his curiosity get the better of him when he reached out for it, and he inhaled in anticipation as he opened it and looked through its content. It wasn't what he had expected.

His whole body deflated in a renewed disappointment when he realized that it really wasn't anything interesting, just a book about the art of making wands.

Wands which are a rarely used instrument and had very specific uses. Uses that were just as dull as reading a book about how they're made.

With a disgruntled sound, Aubrey found himself returning the book where it once was before he frowned. Something wasn't quite right. A sudden feeling of discomfort and fear started to rise in him as he felt his hairs sticking up, and he felt like there was something else there with him. Something ominous.

It was only when he turned his head to peer behind him did he find himself looking someone in the eye.

"Hello." That person greeted casually, and Aubrey didn't know what to think as he let out a surprised sound when he stepped away. They were too close.

Aubrey felt wary as the person approached him. "Uh, hi?"

"Stay still, I wanna tell you something." For some reason Aubrey didn't move when he was told that as he wondered just what that person wanted from him. He blamed his curiosity for his lack of caution when he allowed that person to lean down and whisper something in his ear.

He didn't know exactly what that person said to him, but he did know that he found himself tied up to a chair with two people staring down at him with no memory of how he got there. Another guy was sitting in the back looking very nervous.

The two standing before him were a very tall old lady next to a taller guy next to her. Something about them made Aubrey lean back in his chair unhappy about this whole situation he found himself in. Everything about them was intimidating, and he wondered why everyone was so tall when the guy in the back stood up to approach the old lady.

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