48 || Not-Boyfriend

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Aubrey frowned at Sammy who smiled sheepishly at him as they waited for Kellen's return, he knew the reason why his friend was a little upset with him, but he couldn't help himself with his comment.

"Don't ever say that again."

"Say what?" Sammy asked pretending like he didn't know. It was fun to tease his friend like that. "I don't remember saying anything."

"Yes, you do." The way his cheeks colored in red was honestly adorable, and he was mumbling his words as if he was finding it difficult to speak. Unfortunately for Aubrey, his feelings were very obvious, and his shyness was even more so. "You called him, er, that – you know what. We're nothing, okay? Just stop saying things like that."

Clearly Aubrey was flustered, and even more clearly his paleness was a curse because any hint of color is immediately obvious on him. Sammy thought it was very strange, yet amusing, how Aubrey was so determined to deny and avoid any feelings he developed for Kellen. Anyone could tell he was badly crushing that even Val, who never met Kellen or saw the two interact, quickly realized it.

It was glaringly obvious.

While genuinely interested in alchemy, Aubrey was also genuinely interested in Kellen.

Most of the potions he made were made with Kellen in mind. Most of the spells he casted were casted with Kellen in mind. Most of everything had Kellen in mind. The source of his annoyance and infuriation was actually just his own frustration with not knowing how to deal with these feelings he shouldn't be feeling. It actually got him into a lot of trouble.

Sammy did not know it, and Aubrey would never admit it, but the reason he acted so stupidly the first time he met Kellen and walked closer to him in that library where he got himself kidnapped was because of the initial attraction he felt to him. Anyone would have a clouded judgment when they see someone they're attracted to.

It's just how it is with everyone.

But Aubrey thought that Kellen was an awful person – that isn't entirely false – and he was also someone who couldn't be trusted. There were just so many bad traits that he exhibits, and his actions didn't help his case. Kellen is a liar, a thief, and a killer who also committed many crimes. Someone who was suspicious all the time, and Aubrey should not be falling for that.

There were much better options for him, many decent and attractive people out there he could grow interested in. These were thoughts he made himself believe because he should be thinking like that. What did he want with a deceptive, infuriating, and immoral person like Kellen?

A relationship, it seems.

He was undoubtedly attracted, and there's a reason for his denial that was very obvious to Sammy. "You're unbelievably shy."

"I am not."

There was denial in his words, and avoidance in his manner as he looked away every time he is confronted about it. Shyness was a normal thing to feel, but Aubrey's shyness was so intense it made him hostile to the object of his affection. Luckily, Kellen wasn't someone who was bothered by that – that hostility was exactly what pulled him in, actually – and it just seemed to work disturbingly well.

This is such a strange relationship they have, but Sammy was for it.

He was also for pointing out lies whenever he heard them.

"You can't even say boyfriend. How is that not you being shy?"

His nervousness was clear as his heart began beating faster, and Aubrey bit his lip futilely shaking his head not knowing what to say to that. He never was very good at hiding things, and he was even worse at admitting them, but he knew when to stop.

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