12 || Strange Plant

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The healing potion he made never left his mind, not even when Agnes pretended that there was nothing so special about it.

However, Aubrey was not stupid, nor was he someone who'd stop suspecting something once it was dismissed by others. He knew for certain that he did something to that potion, and it was most likely a spell that he casted without knowing.

Casting a spell on things to make them have a certain effect was common, and potions were no exception. Aubrey did have magic, he just didn't have the ability to cast any spells.

Or so he thought.

The question is how, and why did it occur then?

So many things were left unanswered by Agnes - and Kellen - who seemed to know exactly what was happening, but the two of them were not willing to share what they knew. Frankly it was frustrating, but Aubrey tried not to focus too much on that and decided to figure it out himself like Agnes told him to.

He was looking down at the palm of his hand feeling the way his magic flowed but refused to surface, and that's when Toby walked in looking around the place in loss before he sighed heavily.

It seems like he was disappointed that only Aubrey was there, and for some reason Toby always made sure to avoid him. The reason was a mystery to Aubrey who decided to ask about what was troubling him because Toby did look troubled.

"Need something?"

When Toby looked at him, he opened his mouth to answer but did not utter a word. He was hesitant to speak, but it was more out of nervousness than dislike. That confused Aubrey, but he didn't comment on it as he waited for the tall man to speak.

He did not.

Instead, he walked towards him and showed him a drawn picture of something. The drawing was terrible, and that was putting it nicely. Toby watched the confusion on Aubrey's face as he looked up at him in loss. He seriously couldn't figure out what exactly he was looking at.

"It's a plant I am supposed to find." Toby finally clarified, making him look at it again.

Honestly he wouldn't have guessed. "Are you sure it's a plant?"

"That's what Kellen told me. He said Agnes needed it."

Everything became clear with those words. "Ah."

It seems like Kellen did it again, and lied to Toby who believed his words without ever questioning them. Toby was just incredibly gullible sometimes, and he has yet to realize that Kellen was not someone whose words should be trusted. It was nearly impossible to tell if he was speaking the truth or not.

This time, he was totally sending Toby on a wild goose chase and probably laughing about it.

It irked Aubrey.

"You know what? I'll help you find it." He said getting up from his seat, and while he knew that the plant did not exist, he was planning on finding a similar one and do his best to make it identical to whatever monstrosity Kellen had drawn. It won't be easy, but poor Toby deserved a victory over the cruel deceiver.

Pleasantly surprised but equally as grateful, Toby nodded his head as he folded the drawing and put it back into his pocket. He didn't expect Aubrey to be so willing to help him as they walked out of the cottage together.

"I think he said something about the plant being near lakes." Toby supplied not knowing that this detail was as pointless as it was unhelpful, they were not actually looking for that plant, but Aubrey thought that it wouldn't hurt to try their luck there. After all, they both didn't actually know where to look.

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