6 || Marc Abbott

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It was just another lazy day where Toby found himself sitting on one of Agnes' smelly old armchairs waiting for her to order him around. At that moment, he kind of wished he kept his curiosity to himself and didn't drink that stupid potion. This place was filled with insane people.

At least there was someone who seemed to be somewhat normal around, but Toby still didn't feel comfortable with a literal Whitlock around. Those powerful rich people scared him sometimes, and he knew that if he ever angered one of them, he'll be immediately dealt with, effortlessly, too. It was just unfair how they're much more powerful sometimes.

He was also unaware that Aubrey would be unable to cast any magic his way making his nervousness pointless.

Even if Toby knew, he'd probably still be wary around him. He didn't need anymore trouble.

It was enough that he was dealing with the demanding old witch who sometimes has suspiciously human-like ingredients scattered all over the place. Toby could swear that he saw her drop a human eye into one of her mixes, but she did it so naturally, so swiftly, that he doubted what he saw.

Still, all he wanted was to repay his debt and get out of this place.

He doesn't even know what that potion that he drank did, or why it was so expensive. Apparently it had some valuable component in it – at least that's the excuse Agnes used – and potions were never cheap to begin with. He doesn't even remember what happened next.

All he knows was that he woke up with his cheek dripping with something bright pink and Kellen's bored face staring down at him in disappointment while Agnes cackled behind him. Toby could vaguely remember being told not to touch anything by him, but he didn't listen.

He should have.

So that's how he ended up being her second errand boy running around to get her all those ingredients.

It made him wonder what she wanted from him this time when she approached him with Aubrey quietly studying behind her, but before she could get a word out, someone wearing a hood burst into the door looking around frantically until his eyes fell on her.

"Ugh, not another visitor." She groaned crossing her arms as she glared at the sudden unwanted visitor.

Everyone's attention was on him now, and he was panting for breaths when he closed the door behind him uttering a soft greeting before he lifted his hood as water dripped from his clothes. It was raining outside, but the water puddle that was forming under him weirdly did not annoy Agnes in the least.

"You're that alchemist, Agnes, who knows things, correct?"

Agnes gave him a onceover as he outstretched his hands for her to take, but she didn't step forward to take it as she took notice of the badly hidden crest peeking under his hood. Even his hand had a ring with his family's crest on it.

"What do you want?"

She went straight to the point, and the guy let his hand drop slightly surprised by her attitude. It made him stutter out his words. "My father is missing and-"

Agnes scoffed cutting him off. "How is that my problem?"

If he wasn't so desperate, he might have let his irritation get the better of him, but he fished for a piece of paper that was on his person before he handed it to her. Agnes, not hiding her disinterest, took it from him and almost threw it aside before she saw what was one it.

"There were many drawings like this all over his study." He explained feeling hopeful at how her eyes studied the paper he gave her with actual interest this time. It made him more confident to continue talking. "He's been missing for days. I've search everywhere for him, but nobody knows where he has gone."

With a nod of her head, Agnes looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "Your name?"

"Marc," He told her holding out his hand again. "Marc Ab-"

Her face lit up at that. "Abbott!"

A choked sound came out of Toby who was listening to the whole thing, and Marc's eyes widened as he fumbled for his words while he shook his head. However, Agnes was smiling at him with a certain glint in her eyes looking like she was absolutely having fun with this whole situation.

A plan was already formulating in her head.

"Listen, Marc. I will agree to help you find your father. I already have an idea about what's going on." Marc gave her a doubtful look when she took his hand, shaking it vigorously this time and he didn't know exactly what was going on in her head as he let her. "I just need you to do something for me."

"I can pay you instea-"

Agnes dismissed that quickly. "Not interested in your money."

"Alright, what is it that you want?" Marc was completely lost, and it showed.

And honestly, he was already regretting ever coming to Agnes. He should have heeded the warnings, but he was too concerned about finding his father to take them seriously. Agnes already disappointed him, but her request was nothing short of surprising. It made him wonder just what he had walked into.

"I can see the crest you're hiding, but all I ask is that if someone asks you if you're an Abbott, you say yes and don't hide it."

A frown appeared on his face. "And why would I tell them that?"

"Because your family is involved in necromancy. At least, your father is, and certain people are aware of that. I want their attention to be on you." She told him holding up the paper he gave her. She knew exactly what it was, it was used in necromantic rituals and it seems like Marc's father is a practitioner of the deplorable art. "You wouldn't want that secret to get out to people who don't know, am I right?"

Marc looked at her in flabbergast. "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes." Agnes nodded her head simply, and Toby paled behind her. It was one thing to kidnap a Whitlock, but another to threaten an Abbott. He realized belatedly that Agnes was seriously insane. "Just do as I say, and I will find your father for you."

Reluctantly, Marc nodded his head feeling conflicted about this.

On one hand he didn't really see any point in doing what this old witch was telling him, but on the other he really wanted to find his father. The request might seem simple, but he had a feeling that it wasn't. Debating whether this old lady was trustworthy or not, Marc decided to at least give her a chance.

It wasn't like he had a choice anyways. He didn't want the news of his family being involved in necromancy to get out. It'll be a catastrophe.

"Alright, fine. I'll do as you say."

Agnes smiled at him. "Good. You're really bad at hiding your identity by the way."

Marc looked down at himself before he cursed, but then the door opened behind him and a tall guy walked in completely drenched with water and dirtied the floor with mud every time he took a step forward.

He glanced at Marc who recoiled back in instant dislike before he pointed at him while looking at Agnes. "Who the hell is this?"

"That is Marc Abbott." She told him with a casual shrug, and Kellen looked back at him with a mixture of shock and confusion.

He stared at Marc with a deep frown before he voiced out his thoughts. "What the fuck."

Agnes cackled finding it all too funny before returning to her potions. She carelessly let the paper fly out of her hand as Kellen watched it until it landed on the floor. The purpose of the drawing was not a mystery to him, but he needed Agnes to elaborate on what was going on.

For now, he decided that it was not worth the headache.

Meanwhile, Aubrey wished everyone would shut up so he could study in peace. The sudden appearance of an Abbott did not interest him in the least.

Maybe it should have.

And maybe if he had paid attention to them instead, he'd suspect a few things.

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