72 || And Everything Changed

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The days passed uneventfully for Aubrey who was slowly becoming increasingly paranoid. He was glad that nothing was actually happening, he liked his days boring right now, but he couldn't take what Sammy had told him off of his mind.

It might seem a little bit weird that he only started worrying about Briar now, but she had planned on finding a way to resurrect the dead first. It was no easy feat, and that was proven by how many times she had failed only to try again. Sammy had mentioned her failed attempts a few times, and it was a well-known fact that nobody had revived anyone successfully, so Aubrey felt somewhat safe.

The attention creeped him out, sure, but he knew that she didn't want to risk him dying so soon and complicate matters for her later when she succeeds in finding a way to kill and control him. However, things changed and now she wants him alive.

She could strike at any moment, maybe when he's out going about his day, or maybe when he's making his way to Agnes' cottage. Either way, she definitely knew the places he frequented. She knew where he lived. Most importantly of all, she probably knew whenever he's alone and would take it as her chance to snatch him away. He really didn't want that to happen, and he really didn't want to figure out how she'd convince him to take her side.

All he knew was that he would never leave his house unless someone was with him, and usually that someone is Sammy who promised him that everything will be fine.

But Sammy himself seemed like he was thinking deeply about something, yet whenever Aubrey asked he would be told to not worry about it. That it was just some things he wanted to sort out, and he always seemed less playful and more serious whenever he had these thoughts so it was just another thing Aubrey began worrying about.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

As always, Sammy gave him a reassuring smile and kept nodding his head. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You seem a lot less like yourself."

Everytime it gets brought up, Sammy would see the genuine concern on Aubrey's face. He kept asking, but the repetition of that question never bothered Sammy. Instead it made him feel like someone really cared for him, like what he felt mattered.

The only reason Sammy was hesitant to share his worries was because of how stupid he thought they were. He thought Van had acknowledged him, and now he was all sad and heartbroken about it even though he knew it was impossible for it to happen in the first place. Then he had his resurrection to worry about, but he couldn't really tell Aubrey why he was scared of being alive again.

He was postponing it, hell, he was even considering staying dead forever.

"It's okay, really. I am just worried about coming back to life. I won't be able to go through walls or follow you into showers, and most importantly of all, watch you hug your pillows. It really is the cutest thing." Sammy sighed, earning himself an unamused look but he wasn't sorry about that. Aubrey almost regretted getting worried about him, but that was good. This wasn't something Sammy wanted him to think about. "How are things going with you?"

Aubrey shrugged, looking out of his window. "They're fine. Just feeling paranoid as if everything in the world is out to get me."

"That's lovely."

"Indeed it is." Aubrey mumbled distractedly before a frown appeared on his face. There was something he saw that made him lean for a better look, but when Sammy looked out of it, he saw that he missed whatever elicited such reaction from Aubrey. "Who was that?"

Confused, Sammy had no idea since he saw nothing but Cornelia's beautiful garden. "Who was who?"

Aubrey didn't elaborate, instead he rushed out of his room taking quick steps as he descended the stairs. Sammy was following him close behind not knowing why Aubrey became so curious, and he immediately headed to the large windows facing his mother's garden and peeked through them. There was an attractive servant girl sorting out the dessert on one of the carts before she wheeled it away, unaware that she was being watched.

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