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the next few days, namkyu couldn't bring herself to call sunghoon. he thought it was weird at first, but since his schedule got busier by the day, he couldn't get enough sleep, causing the thought to fly over his head.

as soon as he'd get home, he'd open his phone to be welcomed with a goodnight message. it continued like this for a few more days and it just became a routine. he planned to meet up with her a few times each week during the break, but it never really came because of his hectic schedule for figure skating.

namkyu was patient though, and understanding. which was a big help for sunghoon. they were already treating each other as if they were in a relationship. they were basically a whole package, they just needed confirmation.

sunghoon wasn't really thinking about it, as in, it wasn't in the greatest of his concerns. he needed time to ask her out properly and genuinely. he also wanted it to be meaningful instead of abrupt and forced. (like last time)

he just wanted to go with the flow. plus, he was content with whatever they had right now.

but days passed, and even though it felt like they should've been getting distant with the lack of contact, they weren't.

and eventually, school was back. they were going to returning to class with a different atmosphere surrounding the two. they had met up once more with each other during the break, it was short but fun.

they visited different shops and bakeries. the both of them had a sweet tooth, except one was picky, and one wasn't. so if namkyu didn't like something, sunghoon would just eat it for her. they were quite the match.

when school was back in session, she came quite early, but most of the students were already there. sunghoon on the other hand was missing.

namkyu received a souvenir from jihyun who went elsewhere for a family trip. apparently, something happened between jihyun and niki over the break, which caused some awkward tension between the two of them.

they all expected it to be something bad, but that wasn't the case.

for most of the break, namkyu's head had been clouded with the whole dating thing. especially after their most recent hang out, it felt so much as if they were a couple, but they weren't.

she sighed at the fact that she didn't know what she was to him yet. she knew she was someone more important, of course, but what was it? they were more than friends, but were they also less than lovers?

"you don't seem too good." jihyun messed with the girl's hair in a teasing manner. i guess you could say that they made up already.

namkyu looks up from her desk, staring at jihyun then taking a glance at niki who was further back on the other side of the classroom. "could say the same about you two." she smirked.

jihyun looked as if she was hesitant to look back. she ended up not doing so and started rubbing her forearm nervously with her other hand. she looked a bit... flustered? what's with that?

her cheeks were turning red, and her eyes wouldn't settle, always roaming around. seeing jihyun like this was a rare sight.

that's when something clicked.

"oh.. my... GOD!" namkyu stood up, slamming her two hands on the desk. "are you guys-"

jihyun quickly took her palm and slapped it onto namkyu's lips to prevent her from saying anything more. namkyu saw niki and his friends looking at their direction. "shush!" jihyun whispered.

she then removed her hand and it revealed namkyu with a sheepish smile on her face. "okay but seriously. how did it happen? you never even showed that you liked him back."

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