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I knew that going to school today would be offbeat comparing to the other days where I would walk into the school alone and no one would look my way or even say two words to me. However, today I walk into the school with Andy and Cole by my side. There are a few eyes on me, but Andy and Cole stand close by. I feel like they are my bodyguards, it is laughable. They are there just in case someone has something to say to me about the Alchemy matter. Especially Andy.

I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable with Andy and Cole being my actual friends. I am so used to being solo and keeping my head down. It is an extreme change for me, but I am trying to get used to the friends. Overall, it feels nice. Also, with the words of encouragement my father gave me earlier this morning. I am starting to feel a little more uplifted than ever. I should have spoken to him about this matter years ago, then maybe....just maybe I would not be going through what I am going through now. But, as my Grandma used to tell me, 'we go through things for a reason'. I am just wondering what the reasoning is behind this.

We sit at the breakfast table and Andy informs, "Alchemy should be here later on today after her muscle therapy around 11 am."

"Science for me," Cole says. "What are you going to do?" He turns to me.

"No clue yet, but I am thinking and have to make my choice made by the end of the day," I tell him as I make eye contact with a few students, they look away not expecting me to look at them and go back to whispering about whatever. At this point, I am a little tired of my shy posture.

The bell rings and the students disburse to their classes along with Cole, Andy, and myself. Some students exchange a few nasty words with me, the usual. I do not hang my head; I keep it up, walking straight with a smile on my face. My creative writing class is first, I sit in my normal seat and Cole sits behind me.

When class starts, I did not really pay much attention because my mind is registering how real this whole scenario is with Alchemy. I really did lose my best friend to some foolish boy and her hatred for me for whatever reason.

Mr. Yakcori passes out a test prompt for writing. "Alright, I want you to read the prompt carefully and write what you think will happen next. Use details, please. Description. This is a test to see how many of you have been actually paying attention in my class." Of course, the majority of the class groans. He hushes them. He stops at the front of the room after passing the papers out. "Begin."

While everyone else including myself scribbles on his or her papers. I still have a lot on my mind about what I wanted to do. I knew this was going to bug me all day; I wanted to go ahead and get my choice made and hand it to the principal before school is up. But, my choice has to be rational and made not just for myself but for the others that are being bullied silently.

When I finish, I read over my paper to make sure it sounds right, mainly to see if it would make sense to Mr. Yakcori.

After altering a few things I am satisfied with my work, I raise my hand and wave it wildly to get Mr. Yakcori's attention.

He is engrossed in some kind of book at the front of the classroom while sitting on the stool. 

He finally looks up, "Yes?"

I hold out my paper and he smiles and takes it. "You're going to the office?"

I nod and gather my things. My defense is the talk of the school, anyone who does not already know what happened; either was not listening or paying attention.

"Good luck," Cole whispers. 

I smile and leave the room.

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