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Left is Alchemy and Right is Andromeda aka Andy.

Getting home, I hurry to my room and put my things down on the floor, then I go straight to the playground and sit on the swing. I sway back and forth on the swings, thinking about what Cole said to me about Alchemy's supposed betrayal of our friendship.

Could what Cole said to be true? Would Alchemy actually talk shit about me behind my back? If so, why? What had she said? Am I that bad of a friend? Have I been bad of a friend to where Alchemy felt like she has to talk about me like a dog behind my back?

Getting all this negative attention from my peers surely takes a toll on my personal psyche. But, to find out the person that's supposed to be there for me is talking shit behind my back, that's more of a stab in my back with a twist of the knife more than anything else. I have been nothing but a good to a great friend to Alchemy.

What does she have to say about me? What would she have to say and why? I scrunch my face up trying to understand this, but I get nowhere in the maze of my mind.

"I know how Alchemy is and I know about our friendship." I shake my head and look up at the gray clouds. Talking to no one in particular, "I just don't think she would say those things about me. Definitely not what friends do; they do not talk behind their friend's backs. Or that's what I thought they do not do."

I exhale loudly and sway a little more in the swing, "Alchemy has always been there for me. She was my shoulder to cry on and ear to talk to. I mean even though something is wrong with Alchemy right now, I'm sure it will not last long and our friendship will be right as rain again."

I cover my face with my hands, after putting my glasses on my head. I try to figure it out, figure everything out. What if it is true, though?

I rub my temples as something shadows over me. I turn around, my heart racing to see Alchemy standing behind me along with Alchemy's little twin sister; Andromeda; Andy for short. I smile as my heartbeat still races; I place my hand over my chest.

"Hey, Sirrah." Andy greets as she takes a seat by me on the swings. She begins to start a conversation, "How-."

"Andromeda, get up and out of the way," Alchemy growls at her sister.

Andy sighs and moves. She goes and sits on the bench to look at the lake nearby. Alchemy sits by me. I say nothing to her, still thinking about what Cole said to me at school. I put my glasses back on.

"Hey, are you mad at me?" Alchemy asks swaying from side to side.

I still say nothing at all, I just reflect on what Cold had said. The 'why' is what I truly want to know.

"I am sorry, Sirrah. I know I've not been a very good friend to you lately. But, things have been hard." Alchemy pouts and folds her arms across her chest.

I rake the wood chips with my blue and black converse sneakers while I listen to what Alchemy has to say. As of now, I do not know what to think about what Cole had told me. I just know my feelings are truly hurt. Between what Cole said and what Alchemy is saying, I do not know what to believe.

"Like . . . projects and college applications. All that stuff." Alchemy smiles a little knowing the college application spill would get me talking. I know it is a lie.

I look up at Alchemy's brown eyes, "Is that so?" My eyes gleaming, slowly falling for it.

"Yeah, I mean you've been my friend, my best friend for a long time," Alchemy reassured, she says the right words. "And I don't want you to think I am ignoring you or don't want to be around you. I am just busy and under a lot of stress."

I shake my head, I can take but so much torment from everyone, and I wanted Alchemy to be my safety net when things got worse. Little do I know, she cannot be my safety net.

I sigh, "Have you been talking smack about me recently? And please do not lie to me, either." I bring myself to ask her.

Alchemy smirks and chuckles. She stops once she notes the serious look on my face.

She answers, "No, why would I do that? I may be childish and petty but not like that. Who did you hear a crock of shit from?" Alchemy rambles on with rhetorical questions.

I nod knowing Cole was wrong. I could not believe I was about to believe someone I met when he was drunk, over my best friend I had known since elementary school. I perk up knowing better than to trust whatever Cole says again. "Okay. I know you're busy and all-."

"I actually have a date with the g-."

"That was about to insult me," I say, frowning deeply.

Alchemy nods. "Sorry about that. He . . . I don't know." She cannot even come up with an excuse for her new boyfriend's rudeness.

"It's fine. I get it." I stand up and stretch my arms and back.

Andy runs up to me and she blurts out, "Can you come with us to my basketball game?" before Alchemy could stop her.

I grin and just before I can answer, Alchemy jumps in, "She has to study, right Sirrah?"

I surely do not understand what Alchemy is talking about, "It can wait. I can see if my mom can take me. What time?" I do a lot of studying all of the time, but it is always nice to get out and socialize a little.

Alchemy groans and tries to get Andy to move on by pushing her along. "Come on, Andy. It's getting late."

"At 6:30 pm. I am number Fifteen." Andy does not budge and tries to shove Alchemy back.

"Okay. At the Rec?"

Alchemy picks Andy up, throws her over her shoulder, and walks off with Andy yelling, "Yeah, don't be late. I am in the starting five and I do the jump-off!" She starts kicking, flailing her arms, and hitting for Alchemy to put her down.

I smile and start to walk back home. My mind is still on what Cole said and wondering if it just might be the truth.

My walking slows; what If it is true? What would I do if I lost her?

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