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My early morning the same day (Friday) had been less than exceptional. The Principal, himself, had sent a few students to his office for teasing me and a few others.

They had cornered me in the hallway after breakfast and threatened me. The Principal was standing behind them as they continued teasing me; after patrolling the hallways to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be.

He listened to them for a few minutes and what they had to say. When the Principal cleared his throat, their laughs faded as they turned around and saw the Principal.

The bell sounds and everyone transitions to his or her next class or lunch. For me, it is lunch A. I try to move quickly enough so I could get in the lunch line before it got too long. Also, so I would not be subjected to being tripped and/or shoved.

I make it without any kind of follies. Jumping in the middle line, they always keep their French fries along with whatever they are serving nice and hot, my tummy growls at the pleasant smells of the lunchroom food.

"Hungry, eh Sirrah?" A voice catches me off guard.

I turn to see Andy behind me, a definite surprise.

"You know it, Andromeda," I chuckle. "Wait, what are you doing at A lunch?"

"Please, call me Andy. I can't stand Andromeda," She sticks her tongue out, "Blah." I giggle. "Anyway, I had my schedule changed. I was not about to do the Youth Group thing my mom 'secretly' signed me up for during open house. Trying to be slick and shit."

We giggle together and the line moves while the lunchroom also known as the commons area in the mornings and afternoons starts filling up with hungry students.

"'Cuse me small fry." I hear Alchemy say as she shoves her way to where Andy and I stand.

"Hey, you can't do that." Andy squeals at Alchemy.

"Girl please." She shoves Andy in her forehead. She turns to me, "Hey, Sirrah, what's up?"

I can hear the attitude dripping from Alchemy's tone. I'm not in the mood for whatever Alchemy's problem is today.

"Hello, Alchemy." I trimmer, not wanting drama.

"So. . . I'm sure you have heard the news." Alchemy assumes studying her fingernails.

The line moves up and the chatter in the lunchroom becomes deafening as more students gather.

"Heard what news?" My face twists, not sure what she is referring to.

"Louis ditched me last night and dumped me this morning in the parking lot of the school." Alchemy sneers at me.

"I'm sorry to hear, Alchemy." I sympathize, truly.

"Are you really? Because he said you gave him the idea to leave me."

Shocked, I stare wide-eyed at Alchemy. I cannot believe she is accusing me of this.

Andy jumps to my defense, "You know that's not true, Alchemy. Stop trying to start shit. You are always trying to start some bullshit."

"Shut up, Andromeda!" She turns to Andy. "You don't know shit, now do you?" Alchemy is shouting now and most of the students' eyes are on us.

I start to fidget with my fingers. Alchemy turns back to me, anger and vengeance glossing Alchemy's eyes.

"Couldn't bear to see me happy when you're so miserable and can't even get anyone! Not even your own brother wants to be around you."

"Alchemy shut up!" Andy warns.

"So, you tell Louis to leave me. So you and he can possibly start fucking or have a future together?" Alchemy gets in my face, ignoring Andy's plea.

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