Chapter 1. Thunder storm

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Aria was cooking dinner for her mother and father like every other day. It was a lot for her to handle but she knew better than to complain about it because she would get punished.

Her mother Elizabeth trained her to cook and clean. Every mistake she made would earn her a slap to the face each one harder until she perfected it or it went unnoticed by her mother. Which only happened a handful of times because her mother would notice it all.

Her father Andrew expected her to clean after him and his wife to do as they say because she was under there control. Aria never had a say so in anything if she even tried to say anything they would beat her.

But even if she did everything right they would beat her for just seeing her face especially when she spoke because of her stuttering.

They felt like she was a disgrace to the family and a disappointment. She was everything they hated and for that they made sure she would feel all there hatred with every punch, slap, kick, even their harsh words.

Once Aria was finished making dinner and sipping the plates she placed them on the dinning table for them. She wasn't allowed to eat or sit at the table because she was too clumsy and disgusting to watch as they ate. Sometimes she wasn't even allowed to eat because they enjoyed torturing her.

"You make the same food everyday. when are you gonna start cooking something new? I can't even have a good meal because it's the same shit everyday and every night. You can't do anything right you fucking whore!" Her father yelled at her.

She looked down at the floor scared and embarrassed with her self. Because she didn't know how to cook anything else but chicken nuggets and French fries.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Her father threw the plate against the wall almost hitting her if she didn't flinch and move to the side. "You can't even speak right. look at what kind of fucking child you gave birth to Elizabeth. She's a fucking disgrace she's an embarrassment to this whole family!" He left the room after spitting on Arias face.

"Clean this mess up. We can't even sit at the dining table in peace because of you. You ruin everything your good for nothing. I should have aborted you when I had the chance so I wouldn't have to deal with your ungrateful ass!" Her mother yelled as she got up leaving the room to go calm her husband down.

Aria had tears rolling down her face as she picked up the broken pieces of the plate off the floor.

After Aria finished cleaning up the mess and washing the dishes. She went up to her room getting ready to shower. She turned on the shower to the hottest setting letting it burn her skin. She loved watching her skin turn red and feeling the stinging burn.

She knew it was bad to do that she was practically harming herself. But that's what she deserved her parents wanted her to do this. To harm herself maybe even kill herself.

They wouldn't even care. They would probably even be happy and celebrate her death as the best thing that's happened to them.

Once she was done in the shower and got dressed in her pjs. She got into the bed grabbing her diary out of her nightstand drawer. She was afraid of sleeping, because when she closed her eyes and tried to sleep she would get really bad nightmares of all the horrible things her parents do to her.

So to avoid sleep she writes in her diary of all the events that happen throughout her day slowly until the the sun comes up.

A few hours passed she finally finished writing in her journal. She simply laid in her bed staring at her ceiling struggling to keep her eyes open. Every time her eyes would close she would force them open.

Ignoring the sting and burn in her eyes from how sleepy she was. Her eyes shut once again giving up on trying to keep them open. She let herself fall asleep.

Not long after she fell asleep she was awoken by the loud thunder and rain coming from outside. She was afraid of thunder but it wasn't as bad as her somniphobia but she was still terrified of the loud noise.

She tried covering herself with the blanket holding her ears to block out the loud noise. But the thunder was too loud. She got out of her bed carefully opening her bedroom door tip toeing down the hall to her parents bedroom.

"M-mommy?" She whispered tapping her mothers shoulder to wake her up. "What do you want?" Her mother asked angrily. "I-I'm s-scared t-the t-thunder i-is t-too l-loud." She explained.  "I don't care get out of my bedroom." She walked away tears rolling down her cheeks.

She walked back into her bedroom hiding under the blanket while covering her ears to try block out the sound crying silently. She though to herself "at least the thundering noise would keep me up for a few more hours."

The sun finally came up she got out of her bed going to the restroom. She went to the sink to wash her face to help her pounding headache from the lack of sleep. She noticed her eyes were dark underneath. She looked exhausted and worn out. She grabbed clothes to get ready for another horrible day.

She walked down stairs going to the living room to see if her mother and father had woken up yet. Her mother was up but her father was still asleep.

"I need you to go to the grocery store to grab a few things we have guest coming over. I wrote a list it's on the kitchen counter. You have an hour to get everything and come back you better not take longer than an hour. Did you hear me whore!" "Y-yes m-mom." "Go why are you still standing there!" Her mother yelled causing Aria to flinch.

She quickly ran to the kitchen grabbing the list off the counter. Leaving out the front door on her way to the store.

She got to the store 20 minutes later. She grabbed a cart reading the list checking it off after grabbing each item quickly. She paid for everything rushing back home only having 15 minutes to make it back.

When she made it back home she noticed two cars in the drive way. "S-shit!" She said to herself. She ran into the house out of breath from all the running she did.

She put all the groceries she got in the kitchen going to look for her mother to see what she wanted her to do with all of it.

She looked in the living room but her mother wasn't there nor was her father. She walked towards the dining room hearing voices coming from there.

She walked into the room looking for her mother. "M-mom." She softly whispered avoiding eyes contact with everyone in the room.

She looked around the room once again only seeing two men sitting with her father. One of the men that sat across from her father had blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and seemed nice as he smiled at her.

But the other man who sat in the middle. Had dark brown hair, the greenest eyes ever, and much taller than the other boy. He seemed very mean and angry scowling at Aria for interrupting their conversation.

He stared daggers into Aria eyes making her uncomfortable and guilty. She dropped her head down whispering a soft "s-sorry." "Get the fuck out Aria can't you see I'm in the middle of something right now!" Her father yelled at her.

She quickly turned around leaving the men alone. She wanted to cry. She was a very sensitive person who didn't take yelling and embarrassment well.

Somniphobia حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن