Chapter 97. Tragic arrival

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*Authors note down below*
Aria POV
We finally made it home it was still dark outside I woke up hearing thunder and Caleb talking to Aaron. I stood up from the couch to go use the restroom.

I walked slowly still half asleep flinching every time I heard a loud rumble of thunder.

I finished using the toilet I was about to leave getting scared of the loud thunder when suddenly all the lights turned off in the house.

I frantically tried turning on the light in the bathroom again but it would just flicker and shut off again.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom counting in my head and taking deep breaths so I wouldn't panic from the loud thunder.

I could feel my tears wetting my face and my heart pounding against my chest like it wanted to burst out of me.

"D-da-daddy!" I shouted feeling dizzy I began to feel a sharp pain in my stomach I was loosing my balance. "Princess where are you?" I heard Caleb shouting from the living room I tried to respond but instead I screamed out in pain.

I felt something dripping down my leg. "N-no! M-my b-baby!" I screamed out i heard Caleb running down the hall towards me catching me before I fell down.

"D-daddy o-our b-baby I-it h-hurts I h-hurt o-our b-baby." I cried holding onto him so I wouldn't fall.

"I-I'm s-sorry I d-didn't m-mean t-to h-hurt h-him." He shook his head no with tears in his eyes. Aaron shined the flashlight on me noticing the blood dripping onto the floor. "Caleb she needs to go to the hospital now!" He shouted.

Caleb picked me up rushing outside to the car Aaron and Layla got in their own car following us to the hospital. "I-I'm s-sorry p-please d-don't l-leave m-me." I begged even tho I was slowly going in and out of consciousness.

"It's okay baby just breath stay with me everything will be okay you did nothing wrong princess." I heard him say before I completely lost consciousness.

Caleb POV
"Where's Ron! I don't want anyone touching her other than Ron where is he!" I yelled at the nurses.

"I'm here Caleb I can't let you come with me in the room Caleb just stay here." I was furious and worried about her and he wouldn't even allow me to go in the room with them.

"Caleb don't do it let him do what he needs to do just sit." Aaron noticed how angry I was getting I knew he was right so I allowed Ron to take her watching him take her into one of the rooms.

I paced back and forth worried and scared about her and the baby. "Caleb where are you going?" Aaron asked me when I walked away from them. "I need a minute to myself." I answered angrily walking outside the hospital.

Everything was going great until now how did everything go so wrong in such little time. I couldn't wrap my head around this I didn't understand what went wrong she was sleeping on the couch and then she was gone.

Everything in the house turned off I heard her scream in the hallway where the restroom was. When Aaron flashed the light on her and I seen the blood running down her leg that's when I lost it.

She was blaming herself and I hated it everything kept replaying in my head trying to figure out how it all went wrong in just a few minutes.

I couldn't control my anger anymore I punched the brick wall regretting it instantly when my knuckles began to bleed out.

"Fuck!" I cursed myself I felt like I was loosing everything in such little time and I didn't know how to fix it. I walked back inside the hospital needing to see her or I was going to loose my mind and end up killing someone.

"Let me inside of the room with Ron!" I yelled at the nurse to let me inside the room they were in. "I can't do that sir." She explained getting ready to walk away.

"Let me inside please I need to see my wife." Aaron tried to pull me away from the nurse. "I need to see her Aaron tell them to let me inside." "I can't Caleb I know you need her but you have to wait." I banged my fist on the counter angrily.

"Sir I will call security if you don't remove yourself from my desk." The nurse said making me even more furious than I already was.

"Call em they won't do much since I'm the one that pays every single one of you in this fucking building. Cut the attitude and let me inside the room or your fuckin fired."

I could tell she was getting scared of me because she was starting to shake and got quiet. "Take him to the room." Aaron spoke to her softly noticing she was crying and panicking.

She began to walk me towards the room using her ID card so we could go inside the other hall.

She led me down a long hallway wiping her tears keeping her distance from me. I saw Ron rush out of the room. " he's not suppose to be here why did you let him in? Wheres Aaron?" He argued with the nurse when he noticed me.

"I'm sorry sir I tried but-.." I cut her off. "Where is my wife Ron I need to see her stop trying to keep me away from her you should already know by now what I'm capable of doing." I sternly warned him shutting him up and the nurse.

"There's no need for that Caleb I'm just trying to do my job." He tried to explain. "Good now let me see my fucking wife and we won't have a problem." He nodded his head getting ready to show me where Aria was.

I looked at the nurse who had her head down snatching her name tag so I could see her name. "Olivia what a plain ass fuckin name, work on your attitude because I won't hesitate to fire you next time." She looked away embarrassed with more ugly tears.

I walked away from her following Ron to the room he was treating Aria in. I didn't regret a thing I said to her I was stressed and angry she didn't make it any better with her nasty attitude.

"I'm warning you now Caleb don't touch her or panic when you enter this room. I don't know what's going on yet I'm trying my best to fix this I just need you to stay calm." He warned me before opening the door.

My eyes widened filled with tears at the sight of her. "Caleb calm down I know this is hard for you but I need you to relax."

He pulled me to sit in a chair. "Tell me if the baby and her are okay Ron I need to know." He gave me a sympathetic look but stayed quiet not being able to answer my question.

*Authors note*
I want to end this story at 100 chapters but I really don't want to end this story just yet. So I was wondering if I made another story with them two when they have their kids and everything would you guys be interested in reading it. I have a lot more i want to add to this story. Please comment if I should continue or not thanks for all the support I truly appreciate all of you that have read through every chapter and voted even the silent readers.

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