Chapter 30. Angry caleb

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Aria POV
I heard the door open 3 hours later I couldn't sleep I had a pounding headache and I was still crying. I got out of the bed running towards him I knew he was angry but I couldn't be without him.

I couldn't stand him being angry with me. Him spanking me was nothing compared to him being angry with me it hurt more than anything else.

"D-daddy I-I'm s-sorry p-please d-don't g-go." He picked me up carrying me to our bed. I was still completely naked but I didn't care as long as I was in his arms. He didn't say a word to me just held me in his arms closing his eyes to go to sleep.

I fell asleep in his arms as well listening to his soft light breathing. My pounding headache felt like it was going to explode how bad it hurt.

I started to feel dizzy and like I needed to throw up. I got up quickly holding my hand over my mouth to hold back from throwing up on the bed.

I ran inside the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet. I felt Caleb pick up my hair to move it out of the way while I threw up.

He handed me a cup of water. He held the cup up for me to drink I swished it around in my mouth then threw it out into the toilet.

"D-daddy I-it h-hurts." I cried pulling him by his shirt. "Where dose it hurt princess?" He picked me up rubbing my back. "M-my s-stomach a-and h-head." I explained in a weak voice.

I wiggled out of his arms needing to throw up again. "Let it all out princess." He rubbed my back holding my hair out the way.

"How do you feel now princess?" He asked after he helped me brush my teeth. "I-it s-still h-hurts." He carried me to our bed covering me under the blanket cause I was shivering.

He laid next to me pulling me into his chest and arms. "Shh daddy's got you." He rubbed my belly which somehow stopped the pain a little and my head started to calm down a little.

I soon started falling asleep feeling much better as he kept rubbing my stomach.

                           The next morning
I woke up feeling someone touching my stomach and head. I whined a little to stop who ever was touching me. I knew it wasn't Caleb because I knew how his hands felt when he touched me.

Caleb's hands were rough but gentle when he touched me but these hands were smooth and slightly smaller than Caleb's.

I opened my eyes when I felt them pocking my stomach. I seen a man hovering over me with a stethoscope around his neck. I began to panic when i couldn't see Caleb.

"G-get a-away f-from m-me!" I screamed scooting away from him as far as I could go which wasn't far because I was on the bed with my back against the headboard.

"I'm just trying to help." The man tried to explain trying to touch me again. "D-daddy!!" I screamed with tears wetting my face. I curled up into a ball trying to get away from this man.

"What did you do!" I heard Caleb's voice boom through the room. Caleb cradled me in his lap. "Im sorry boss I didn't mean to scare her I was checking her stomach and heart beat." The man explained with a shaky voice.

"Shh princess I'm here now." He whispered softly into my ear. "Why didn't you wait till I came back Ron?" Caleb yelled at the man.

"I figured I could just check her heart rate till you came back I didn't think she would freak out like that." He explained but it seemed to just make Caleb even more angry.

"Your a fucking doctor for crying out loud and you didn't think she would freak out like that. Who in there right mind would not freak out if they woke up seeing an unknown person touching them." He yelled back.

"Your right sir I should have known better." He apologized. "So did you figure out what's wrong with her since you went ahead of time?" Caleb asked him while holding me tight against his chest cause I was still shaking badly.

"Well first I wanted to say she's good and healthy she's just under a lot of stress we might wanna fix that. Second I would like to congratulate you both because your having a baby."

Ron explained I could feel Caleb tense up while he was holding me. I froze as well not comprehending what the doctor said.

All I heard was baby and that made me freeze in a shocked confused way. "Did you just say she's pregnant?" Caleb asked him again seemingly unaware of my shocked and confused reaction.

"Yes sir she is in fact pregnant I would like to do some more testing and provide some vitamins for her at my office if you can make an appointment." Ron said so naturally despite our shocked reactions.

"Oh and so we can see how far along she is." He added. Caleb grabbed my head with both of his hands on either side of my face so we were looking into each other's eyes. I had tears lining at the rim of my eyes.

"We're gonna have a baby did you hear that princess?" He said resting his forehead against mine keeping eye contact.

I could see tears forming in his eyes as well. "I-I'm s-scared d-daddy." I cried to him holding his head like he was holding mine.

"Don't be scared princess we are going to be the best parents ever." He kissed my head wiping away the tear that rolled down my face.

"You have no Idea how happy you've just made me princess. I'm gonna be a dad your carrying my child in your belly princess." I giggled at him "I-I'm g-gonna b-be a-a m-mom." I smiled then kissed him on the lips.

He swiped his tongue over my lip asking for permission into my mouth. I gladly let him enter my mouth to deepen the kiss. We both completely forgot about Dr Ron until he cleared his throat making us both stop.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but when would you like to come for the appointment and I'll be on my way to let you continue." He asked nicely I avoided looking at him too embarrassed about what he witnessed.

"We can come tomorrow morning." Caleb answered quickly wanting to get him out of the room. "Alright I'll see you both 8:00 am sharp tomorrow again congratulations to you both I'll let myself out goodbye." He said leaving right away out of the room.

As soon as he left the room Caleb kissed me hard on the lips. He flipped me around so I was laying down on the bed and he hovered over me.

He pulled up the shirt he put on me. He began to leave kisses on my stomach. "Our little nugget is growing inside of you princess."

He kissed my belly a few more times then kissed me on my lips rubbing my belly. "I-I l-love y-you s-so m-much d-daddy." I told him against his lips. "I love you too princess."

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